Last weekend was Steph's wedding. She was a beautiful bride. Friday night Cory surprised her by a pinning ceremony at sunset on the beach! How romantic...
Dave and I got to perfect our Home Alone run through the airport in Detroit. We had a scheduled forty minute layover in Detroit. We landed ten minutes late, not a big deal we still had a half hour. We went to look at the screen for our terminal and hear over the load speaker that our flight was leaving ten minutes early. So our forty minute layover was down to only 15 minutes at that point. We decided to run for it with one other passenger from our flight. We had to sprint from one end to the other, under the tarmac and then back to the other end of the airport. The only way I kept up with the guys was by running on the moving walkways and yelling for people to get out of the way. Thankfully we made our flight and so did our luggage!