Friday, September 16, 2016

Cousin Birthday Party- 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 Years Old

The cousin's all have birthdays pretty close together. Elliott is first in the beginning of April, then Eli at the end of April, Isaac and Nate are a couple of days apart in June and then Adam the end of June and Jame's in the middle of July. So to celebrate the Red-Schwed birthdays we got together with Dave's parents house.

Along with the great cousin time and big birthday party we got to take Adam and Eli golfing for the first time with Dave's Dad and it was so much fun!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Okay Who Let Them all Get Older!

So in June all of the boys went to their well child checks because someone let them grow and get bigger again this year.

Adam nearly 7 years old is- 47 pounds and 6.4 ounces 32nd percentile for weight and 3'11" tall and 34th percentile for height and 38 percentile for BMI.

Eli was just over 5 years old is- 34 pounds 12.8 ounces which is 8th percentile for weight (such a peanut) and 3 feet 5 inches and the 12th percentile for height, and 21st percentile for BMI.

Isaac practically went on his 2nd birthday and was 28 pounds 3.9 ounces which is actually the 53rd percentile. What, I have a kid who is in the middle of the curve, but wait his height is 2 feet 8.75" and 16th percentile that sounds more Schwedskala. And 89th percentile for BMI!