Sunday, July 26, 2009

We Survived

We made it through Adam's first month! He is getting so much bigger. He can't fit into any of his new born clothes anymore and he's switched from new born diapers to size one. Babies grow so fast!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Smiles for Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this week. They showed up on Wednesday and Adam proceeded to give his first real smile to Grandma Denise Thursday morning. Thankfully we were all right there and got to see his first smile. Then Friday morning Grandpa got a couple smiles (again I was right there next to him). Today we went shopping in St. Cloud and Dave fed Adam a little from a bottle in Kohl's and afterwards Adam gave Dave a couple smiles. Finally after Adam's feeding tonight I got my first full smile from Adam. He seems to only smile just after his belly is filled with food and no they aren't poop smiles, these are real full face light up beautiful smiles! Hopefully I'll catch one with a camera soon (picture above is right after the smile).

Adam in the laundry basket- how else am I supposed to carry him and the sheets up the stairs? I love the crib shoes:
Grandma and Grandpa are spoiling the heck out of Adam though. He hasn't had to nap in his crib or swing at all since they showed up:

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Bottle

We had a very fun and busy weekend. Friday we went into the cities to do some shopping and go out for sushi (it's something we both gave up while I was pregnant). Then on Saturday morning Dave fed Adam his first bottle. Adam wasn't too sure at first but decided it was good and ate it all with a little fussing. Dave was awesome on Saturday morning, he took care of Adam all morning which gave me a nice break.
After lunch we went to the 3M picnic. It was fun to see many of our coworkers and show off our son :) The 3M picnic is more like the 3M fair. They have kiddy rides, a petting zoo, games and tons of fair food (mini donuts, corn dogs, funnel cake). And it's less than $10 to get in and everything is free, including all the beer you can drink. So we had a good time. After dinner we went home for an hour and Adam and mom took a nap before heading over to Brooke and Andy's for Brooke's birthday party. Adam was awesome! He slept the whole time we were there and everyone took turns holding him! About a year ago I was racing in the Chaska triathlon, then we went and watched the 3M golf tournament and after that we went out for dinner for Brooke's birthday. It's crazy how much one year and a baby can change your life!

Sunday was a little less busy. We barely made it to church on time- little ones take so much extra time! Then we relaxed around the house in the afternoon. Around dinner time our friends Tom, Jamie, Cory and Steph came out to visit. They made us a fantastic dinner and got to hold Adam. Oh and I almost forgot his umbilical cord finally fell off on Sunday night. Yay!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our First Trip Out of Hutchinson

Yesterday as we drove past the plant and out of our small town of 13,000 people I realized that I hadn’t been that far away from our house for a whole month! Wow. I was told to stay around town the week before Adam was due, and I haven’t ventured out of town since he was born. Anyway we drove into the cities mainly to go to dinner with my mom’s family in Hugo. On the way in we stopped at the Eden Prairie mall. Right as we pulled into the parking lot Adam reminded us that he was still with us and very hungry. So I got to do my first out in public feeding in the comfort of the back seat of our car. We had two things we wanted to get at the mall, but the JCPenny’s in EP didn’t have my size… grrr.

So we drove up to Hugo and got there right as Adam reminded us he needed to eat again. He got to meet 4 of my mom’s siblings and their family’s plus great-grandma and grandpa. It was a great day. Plus on the way home we were able to make a quick stop at JCPenny’s in Roseville and pick up the clothes in my size. While we were there Adam had a blow out so we got to change him in the parking lot, clothes and everything!

Hanging out at Bernie's house:

Adam with his mom, grandma and great-grandma :)
I feel like it was just yesterday I was holding a baby Michelle, now she's holding my baby:

And lastly four Springer Spaniel's (Bo, Brockway, Jill and Jack) they have so much fun running together:

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 week Check Up

Well he's really a week and three days old, but today was our appointment. Adam is gaining weight and is already over 8 lb. Today he weighed 8 lb 3 oz, so he has gained12 oz since we left the hospital a week and a day ago which is fantastic for a breast fed baby.

We had our first real trip out of the house last Friday. All three of us went to Arby's for lunch and met up with my coworker Lisa. He slept while we were eating in his car seat so at the end of the meal we pushed our luck and let Lisa hold him. Adam woke up and the crying began, so we decided an hour out of the house was enough.

Adam is such a good baby though. He eats every one to three hours during the day and then goes for 4.5 to 5.5 hours after midnight of sleeping before needing to eat. I just hope that continues because only getting three hours of sleep straight makes me feel like a zombie!