Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome Back Red Sauce

My little boy eats spaghetti again! He gave it up for several months and just started eating it at home again last week. This week we tried chili and he ate it, too. The only reason my family is even eating this kind of food is because I went on a prescription heart burn medication two weeks ago and feel great. The fact that one little pill can keep the heartburn at bay for 24 hours is wonderful. For weeks I had been trying to make over the counter pepsid work- I would watch the clock complaining until it was time for the next dose. Really it's just fabulous to be able to get rid of one of the pregnancy symptoms and feel slightly normal again!

In baby news I am 35.5 weeks pregnant and had a doctor appointment. Today I measured 34 cm and babies heart rate was 137. I'm also about a finger tip dilated. But the little stinker isn't head down anymore. He's slightly transverse, so we'll see if he's head down at my next appointment at 37.5 weeks, if not we might attempt a baby flipping!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

34.5 Weeks and a Spring Snow Storm

Yes I am counting half weeks now, because every day I am getting closer to meeting my second son. I feel like I'm my belly is bigger than it was at this point with Adam, but yet I'm more comfortable with my pregnant body.
We have a crib set up, the car seat and cute little new born cloths washed. We have more things completed than left to do on the gantt chart. So I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of bringing Adam's little brother home.
Today we woke up to a spring snow storm. I opened the garage at 5 AM to about 3 or 4 inches of snow. I got in the van and started driving to the pool before I decided that I was being silly and should go back home. I barely got the van back to the house and got it stuck at the end of driveway.

An hour and a half later when Dave went to clear the driveway there was closer to 12 inches. It took him a good hour and a half to clear the driveway and he warned me that we weren't go anywhere until the plows came through our neighborhood. So we spent the morning waiting, and waiting and waiting. After lunch Dave said that's enough waiting for the plows lets try and get out.
We backed out of the driveway and got stuck- Dave was able to push us out by himself. I tried to turn off our street and we got stuck. It took three guys to get me out (one of which was our neighbor who was driving behind us in his 4 wheel drive Blazer trying to get back to work, so every time we got stuck he got out to help- thanks Scott). At this point Dave decided to walk along the van as I drove to give it a little push when I needed it, but that last turn out of our neighborhood I got stuck again. Again it took three guys to get me out. The rest of the roads were plowed, so we made it to daycare and work and then crossed our fingers that the streets would be clear when we got home. Thankfully they were!
Dave wins- I think our next vehicle will have 4 wheel drive.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Momma Crackers

Adam took the sealed girl scout cookies out of the cupboard opened them up and then proceeded to ask, "momma crackers, momma crackers?" What's a momma to do, so I gave the boy a real cracker and put the thin mints in the upper cupboard. Do you realize how small the boxes are these days?

And another strange girl scout cookie plus Adam story. We were at home last Thursday after work and Adam starts yelling, "cookies are here, cookies are here," as he went down the stairs. About three minutes later the door bell rings and it's a girl scout selling cookies. I have no idea how he could have possibly known they were coming or what it was that made him say that?
And don't worry, tonight the boy got a cookie.


Adam called Grandpa Bob last weekend after watching a fishing show with Dad. He told Grandpa, "Grandpa Bob, lets go fishing." That afternoon we went into the cities and ended up making a stop by Gander Mountain. We picked up this adorable fishing hat and Adam and Dad played with the fishing poles.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mickey Mouse and Baby

Yesterday Adam took really good care of mickey mouse and his baby doll. We had to change Mickey's diaper and help him go on the big boy potty. Then when we went for a walk Adam held him almost the whole time in the stroller. Towards the end of the walk when Adam wanted to walk he started to say "All done Mickey" when plan old "all done" wasn't working.
And look, Adam has belly like mommy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

BBQ Chicken

Sunday night Dave grilled BBQ chicken legs for dinner. Adam wouldn't touch the chicken I cut up for him and put on his plate. Instead he wanted to eat it off the bone just like us. I'm sure he is way too young to eat chicken this way, but sometimes we choose to not follow the rules.

And he ate the whole thing!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday Night

Ahhh Thursday Night, you could easily become my favorite night of the week. Our family has absolutely no programing on Thursdays anymore (last fall we had ECFE class and I had volleyball). So I picked Adam up and when we got home we had a little snack to try and avoid any tantrums. Then Dave started the coals for grilling while we all played in the snow in our front yard. Adam got to ride in his new double stroller that we just purchased last weekend (yay our first baby #2 purchase) while we went for a walk.

When we got back from the walk the coals were ready so Adam and Dave cooked the steaks on the grill while I cooked the potatoes and veggies inside. They were dancing and singing to country in the garage (I believe the line Adam appropriately repeated was "keep your hands to yourself").

We ate our delicious dinner as family and still had lots of time left for playing. Some nights as soon as dinner is over it's time for bath, jammies, books and bed. Adam was trying to get Brockway excited by telling her, "Brockway, Grandpa's here. Grandpa's here to play." Brockway didn't believe him. Later we skyped with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Denise, because Adam wanted to ask Grandpa Bob to come and play. At first we couldn't get him talk to grandpa and grandma, but after a little while he opened up. He was playing hockey and playing with the bus for grandma and grandpa and didn't want to say goodbye.

In baby #2 news we had another check up this week. Heart rate was in the 140-145 range. Our Doctor agreed with me that he's most likely head down, but he probably has enough room to flip around still. I talked to our doctor about leg muscle pains I've had for a month and she suggested I stretch. Why don't I think of these simple solutions, so last night I did my prenatal yoga DVD and today my legs felt great. So my doctor has helped me determine I need more sleep when I'm exhausted and I should stretch when my leg muscles hurt... wow can you say pregnancy brain!
I'm looking forward to our relaxing we're not leaving Hutchinson and have almost nothing planned weekend.