Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! We carved a pumpkin, well Adam colored on it and mom and dad carved it. He loves to sit and color with crayons.

Adam was a little shy monkey. We took him out trick or treating to a few neighborhood houses and at first Adam didn't know what to do. But after a few houses and seeing a lot of other kids trick or treating he started to enjoy it. He held onto his little bucket so tight. I don't know if he realizes that what he was getting was candy. I think he thought they were toys. We couldn't get him to make his monkey noises or say thank you (trick or treat is way too hard).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

15 month Stats

Adam is now 16 months, but I forgot to post his 15 month stats from his check up last mont. He weights 21 lb 14 oz (12th percentile), he's 30.5 inches tall (21st percentile) and his head is still in the 99th percentile at 19.75 inches.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Purple Cheesehead?

Oh no... It's the Packer-Viking game tonight. We know Adam loves football, but will he cheer for the Purple team or the Cheeseheads? Only time will tell. For now he just cheers for football!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Goodbye Infant Room

Goodbye high chair. Goodbye nap room and crib. Goodbye sippy. Goodbye Rachel and the 4 babies to one adult ratio. Adam's moving up to the Toddler room next week. This means a bigger room with more toys. Eating at a table with a chair and a cup. Napping on a cot at a set time and a ratio more like 10 to 1. But Adam's ready and he's spent most of October in the toddler room. I cried last Monday when I realized it was his official last Monday in the infant room. He's such a big boy now, not a baby.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Farm

I think Adam was born to be outside. Then again maybe all little boys are hard wired this way. Last weekend my family (minus my little brother Henry) were at my aunt's farm outside of Madison. She has a huge farm house and a ton of sheep and goats. When we got in the car to make our long trip there Dave asked me if I packed toys. I said yes, but I didn't think we would need them. I was right on Saturday Adam woke up and was ready to go outside.

We watched the sheep and goats. But Adam called them puppies. There were kitties to meow to and doggies to chase (we left Brockway in Minnesota though). And a much bigger yard to explore. Adam was very, very happy to spend the weekend outside.

My cousin came with her kids on Saturday afternoon. I tried to get Adam down for a nap, but no luck. Vanessa's daughter Analise is about a month younger than Adam and also was in need of a nap. So all of us women decided to go for a walk in the woods. Analise took a nap on Vanessa's back in our Ergo Baby carrier and Adam slept in his stroller. Vanessa's oldest daughter Bella had a great time on the walk and Shar captured some awesome pictures (like the one to the right).

My dad cooked great food. Jem herded sheep for us. And it was just a great time to catch up with family. Thankfully no one got H1N1 afterwards, because that was no fun last year!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bedtime Reading

Big Boy is starting to read to me at bedtime. It's not like I understand what he says, but he enjoys pretending to say the words. The book in his lap is one of his favorites- Barn Yard Surprise. The first time I read it to him he was just six months old and only let me read two pages before he started to cry. Now I purposely pick this book when he's fussy, because he loves it no matter what mood he's in.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nap Time

Friday night we went out with a large group of my coworkers and their kids. The Mexican restaurant we went to was a little slower than usual, but thankfully we were at a very long table against the back window. We were able to cage all the little ones in and let them run around and play. I was also lucky that I brought Adam's diaper bag stocked with tons of church toys- enough to share with 8 little tikes. It was tons of fun and when we got home Adam went straight to bed.

Saturday was a busy day, too. We drove into the cities for Adam's great-grandma's 82nd birthday party. So by Sunday we were ready to spend the day at home and veg. After church we ate lunch and then Adam was being his normal nap ready whiny self. So Dave asked him, "Adam do you want to take a nap?" And Adam said "yep" and walked into his bed room. I could get used to this!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Four years ago I married my best friend. Thanks for being such an amazing husband and father!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Smiles

We couldn't get any smiles from little Man last week at our family photo session. I was hoping that maybe our photographer had managed to capture one but the best we got was the half smirk. Otherwise it was all serious face for Little Man.

Even Brockway couldn't pull that elusive smile out of Adam.

We got some great family pictures. I'm not going to share them all, yet. (Spoiler alert some of the pictures will end up in our Christmas card!) I will share my favorite Twin's shirt shot because right now I'm trying to avoid turning on the first playoff game. Dave is at volleyball so we are DVRing it and I don't want to ruin the surprise. When he left the Twin's were up 2-0 and I really hope they are still wining. Go Twins!