Friday, January 8, 2016

For iZ everything is Goonta

Goonta is one of the more common words you will iZ say. We are pretty sure goonta means good and mostly related to food, but who knows with that kiddo. Normally he says it when he's asking for food and yesterday it was the chocolate cars he got in his stocking. (I will work to get a video of goonta before he stops saying it).

Nuna is nuk
Nana is banana
Mama is mom
Mame is my milk (very hard to distinguish between mama and my milk so when he's in the high chair or kitchen we assume he means milk)

ELI LOUD- is Eli's name for the time being. We were visiting Aunt Ann and the boys cousins in Wisconsin over MEA break. We had taken all 5 boys to a hockey game in Chicago the night before so we were tired, but the big three boys (Adam, James and Eli) were very excited to play together so they woke up early and I woke up to Nathaniel yelling at them from his room , "Eli loud, Eli loud!" and repeating Nate is the only way we can get Isaac to say Eli's name.

Santa is completely adorable and said properly. He likes to point out Santa on the Christmas tree and his Christmas jammies. Maybe that's why I haven't taken the tree or Christmas decorations down yet?

He says more and more each day, this is just a list of the cute things he says.

Brothers On the Same Line

This year we decided to put Eli in hockey. Two mites isn't really much more work than having one so we went for it. I've enjoyed having two little guys to watch develop on the ice at practice. They split the mites into 5 or 6 groups for each practice and typically they are in separate groups, but at Sunday's game night (Mite Scrimmage) Adam and Eli were put on the same team and line. It was a wonderful surprise! It was so much fun to hear Eli cheering for Adam to get the puck from a corner and how happy they were when their brother scored! Only bad thing is I forgot my good camera- but those are my brothers playing hockey- #26 and #27 (which just so happens to be their birthdays- Isaac should have been born on the 28th instead of the 9th).