Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Today is probably my favorite Holiday and we already had one Thanksgiving dinner with the grandmas and grandpas last weekend! It's a Thanksgiving day pregnant woman's bonus that maternity pants have stretch bands. No loosening of the belt for this momma.

This morning I woke up at 6 am without an alarm. At least my exhaustion and going to bed early is allowing me to wake up recharged. So I got up and made pumpkin pancakes and bacon for my family (thanks for the recipe Martha Stewart) . Little Man was a huge fan- eating two and these are filling pancakes. Now we're enjoying coffee, Black Friday ads and the Macy's Day Parade. Adam's especially enjoying the parade.

I should go make some Turkey Day fixins to bring to my aunts house. Here's my little boy talking on the phone.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chocolate Please

Daddy surprised us this morning with donuts. I figure Adam can have a donut every once and a while as a treat. So I asked him which one he wanted and he picked the one with chocolate on top. He had a donut along with his favorite fruit banana. And this is how Little Man eats is his chocolate covered donuts.

He only eats the chocolate off the top and leaves the rest of the cake donut. Grandma's going to be so proud of you Adam!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Say Cheese

And Bus, Puppy, Chicken, Balloon, Right There, Momma, Dada, Fish, Banana, Bath, Turtle, No, Yes, Boot, Shoes, Hat, Adam, Nose, Ears, Eyes, Teeth, Up, Football, Baseball, Ball, Thank you, Please, Hot and Mine*.
I know I'm missing other words. The list of words and things that he understands is even longer. He amazes me more and more each day.
*Mom and dad were ok with Little Man not knowing that word. Now everything is mine, mine, mine...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Daylight Saving Time Meet My New Friend

I got a new lens on Friday and I haven't switched back to the old kit lens yet. It doesn't have a zoom, but it has an extremely large aperture so pictures in low light turn out without a flash. I also ordered a new external flash that will hopefully be here this week. Daylight Saving Time Change- I should be able to take great pictures even though you make my house dark!
Daddy took this picture- I think he's taking awesome pictures without turning the camera to full auto mode:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Big Brother

Adam has some big news! He's going to be a big brother around April 30th 2011. That will make Adam and his sister/brother about 22 months apart. He did a great job when his cousin baby James was here to visit, so I'm sure he'll make a great big brother! He was very gentle with James and interested interested in helping. He was willing to share mom's lap with the baby, although a couple times he cried when I held James. The best was when we were out to eat Adam would entertain/play with James after he finished eating. It's so cute to watch a toddler play with a baby!
I'm already 16 weeks and I just feel like this pregnancy is flying by. I was queasy almost immediately (2 weeks before the positive pregnancy test). I can't eat too many sweets without getting sick. With Adam all I wanted was sweets, this time I can and do say no thanks a lot. I was waiting for the exhaustion to hit like it did with Adam, but other than having a hard time dragging myself out of bed in the morning (normally I'm a complete morning person) and a couple rough afternoon meetings I was doing fine. I could stay up late, sometimes even later than Dave. Ever since the time change it's been a different story. I can't stay up past 8:30 and I'm falling asleep on the couch every night. Hopefully this exhaustion will let up soon.

I started showing way sooner this time. At 11 weeks my aunt asked me "Sarah are you expecting again or are you getting fat?" I wasn't really ready to tell the whole family, but I was sick of lying. The following week we had our doctors appointment and when our doctor couldn't find the heart rate on the doppler she brought in the little portable ultrasound machine to check. There is just one baby in there and everything looked great. At our second appointment this week it took her a while, but we got to hear baby's heart beat- low 150s. Right now I'm betting on boy, we'll hopefully find out before Christmas!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

James Photo Shoot

Ann, Titus and James came to visit last weekend. Ann gave me the responsibility of taking little Jame's three month photos. It was fun to attempt to take some pictures for him. He's such a smiley baby and it's so much easier to take pictures of a baby than a toddler. I think I got some good ones for her and hopefully she agrees.