Friday, June 20, 2014

Sleeping Isaac faces

Watch "Sleeping Isaac" on YouTube
It  almost looks like he's smiling in his sleep. I can't figure out how to put this baby down, the urge to hold him is too strong.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Naming Isaac Henry

Choosing a third boys name was not an easy task for David and I. I felt like we had already used our two favorite boys names- Adam and Eli and had to dig deep to find a third one that was just as good. We've always found a girls name we liked  before 20 weeks of pregnancy- Abigail Rose for Adam, Eva Rose for Eli and Ingrid Rose for Isaac. My mom's name is Rosalyn and my middle name is Rose so we were set on a middle name and never waivered. We didn't really realize we were doing the vowel thing until we fell in love with the name Ingrid and noticed the A-E-I pattern. Last year when Ann was pregnant she told her mom that she had narrowed down to two names- Nathaniel and Isaac. Dave's mom immediately said you can't pick Isaac that will be Dave and Sarah's third son's name. I didn't like the name and kind of shrugged it off. When we found out we were in fact having a third son everyone suggested "I" names, but there aren't very many boy "I" names. We kept coming back to Isaac and it grew on me.

We brought a list of 6 names with to the hospital. We new the middle name was going to be Henry- my mom's late father's middle name and my younger brothers name. After the birth and my recovery we had narrowed the list to two: Ezra Henry or Isaac Henry. Since we had discussed names with the big brothers we waited for them to show up around lunch time to officially name little brother. We kicked all the grandparents out and had our first family of five meeting. Although Eli had already announced that his baby brother's name was Isaac Henry to grandma Denise and Grandpa Bob. So we brought up the name Ezra and Adam said it sounded like a girls name and Eli insisted his brothers name was Isaac, so we went with it.

I don't think we realized our family would be full of old testament names- Sarah, David, Adam, Eli and Isaac. As for having enough kids to complete the vowels- I like to joke with people who tell me I need to have two more kids- an "O" and "U" name- don't forget about "and sometimes Y"! I don't see two or three more kids in our future, three boys will be a lot to handle.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Isaac's First Mommy Photo Shoot

Welcome Isaac Henry

Isaac Henry  
6 pounds 13.3 ounces
19.25" Long
7:41 am 
Monday June 9th 2014

This birth was our first scheduled birth so it was a little different going to bed the night before knowing the next day was baby day. We woke up extra early and got to the hospital at 5:30 am. I got an IV and a run down of our hospital stay and at 7:20 am I was whisked away to the OR in a wheel chair. The whole way there I was nervous and my jaw was shaking. I don't like the idea of surgery, but I also didn't like the idea of a failed VBAC or worse- fourth degree tears that could possibly cause life long complications and more surgeries. This time the placing of the spinal block was much faster and smoother and after the warm and tingles set in I wasn't cold and I started deep breathing to relax.

I was almost worried we'd start before Dave showed up. Next thing I new he was by my side holding my hand (and my arms weren't strapped to the table which made me feel more like a patient- less like an inmate). There was lots of pressure and tugging and then I heard the cry before I think he was even out of my womb. Immediately Dave and I both had tears in our eyes. We were parents of a third healthy boy.

Our OB was a little upset that Isaac didn't get a 10 out of 10 apgar score- he got a 9. Isaac was our healthiest baby at birth, he didn't have meconium like both his brothers. I was able to see the baby warmer off to the side as the nurses cleaned him up before Dave brought him to me. And then I got my wish and Isaac and David and the two OB nurses stayed with me in recovery and this time I felt zero pain. I got to do kangaroo care and breast feed less than 30 minutes of his birth. I was an extremely happy mom!

Dave said it was the first birth that I never had the gray pain look in my face following the birth. I stayed on top of my pain meds and tried to get up and walk around as soon as possible the day of surgery. I didn't believe my friends who said second c-sections and scheduled c-sections are less painful than first and unplanned c-sections, but for some reason they really are.

Excuse me my new baby is crying and I will have to post again later!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Eli's 3 Year Stats

When your mom is pregnant she doesn't forget to schedule your 3 year old check up with the pediatrician, but putting those stats on the blog sometimes comes over a moth late. He's still my little put- 28.8 pounds in the 18th percentile for weight and 35.5 inches in the 8th percentile for height (compared to Adam who was slightly bigger at 3 years and one month). He hammed it up the day of the appointment and wouldn't really answer any of the pediatrician's questions. But he passed his eye exam and Dave and I assured her that he could count way past 5 and many of the other tasks she asked of him. 

Eli- I bought you a balance bike and a little over a month later you are riding the big boy bike with training wheels almost as good as your brother. You love to be outside, but when we do keep you inside you are our little card shark winning most games of Uno or crazy eights without much help from us! You are not my cautious child and you are growing up much too fast. I know in a few short days you will make an amazing big brother. We love you!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

End of Pregnancy

Hello end of pregnancy. I forgot how much fun you could be- sore legs, insomnia, exhaustion, contractions, itchy belly and a need to clean and organize everything all the time. I keep reminding myself that all of this is way easier than dealing with a newborn, but I'm not very convincing.
37 week 3 day bump:
Currently the pack and play is set up in our bedroom, the baby laundry is washed and put away, the crib is set up in Adam and Eli's room (we'll see about three boys sharing a room- we can always move baby to the guest room) and the guest room has the changing table, dresser with the baby clothes and a rocking chair.
I really think the home front is fairly prepared for baby- at work I'm in denial that I'm done for four months in a week. And when I get back to work I will be starting a new job. Dave was offered my bosses job and I decided it was time for me to move on so he could take the job. Really I was getting burnt out and thought I would start looking for a job in a year, so I'm just moving on a little sooner than I had planned. Maternity leave is a great time to change jobs! So if I can just wrap up a few baby things at home this weekend I can focus at work on wrapping things up for who ever replaces me. Poor Dave will have to hire my replacement (ha).

33 weeks & 3 days:
35 weeks & 3 days: