Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Tooth

My mom got bit at my aunts house by little iZ and yelled out in pain. Isaac's first tooth popped out on my favorite holiday the day after I went back to work. We had a nice gathering with my dad's family at my aunt Annie's house (which happens to only be 45 minutes away, the relative who lives the closest). Here's a picture of their matching puppy hats from auntie Shar-Shar. Super cute. I will have to work on getting a tooth picture.

Friday we for the most part avoided the Black Friday madness. Dave went to Target before noon and we all went as a family to Costco and Santaland on the 8th floor of Macy's downtown Minneapolis. When an elf asks if you want a family photo, the answer is always yes!

Today we stayed in Hutchinson and had a fairly low key day. Any day that I get a work out in and two cuddles with iZ has to be a great day. I even got out for some small business Saturday shopping at my favorite shops downtown.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

iZ- Little i Big Z

I have two days left with my little Isaac before I go back to work again. It's hard to explain how that feels. I have really enjoyed being home for my family this fall with Adam starting kindergarten, Eli in preschool and a new baby in the house. I'm scared of the balls that will drop, but the truth is Isaac and his big brothers are my priority while I'm home so things get dropped and forgotten know.

But who is going to photograph these cute wrist rolls and sitting babe while I'm at work? I'm going to have to break out the camera more on the weekend! Because this cuteness needs to be captured!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I started asking the boys about Halloween as soon as my second maternity leave started. It didn't take long for Eli to decide on a minon and Adam asked to be a transformer. Okay I can do transformer, possibly purchase a costume and then he added a twist- he wanted to be the random cheetah transformer toy he inherited from my brothers toy stash. So 100% homemade costume it would be. I think it turned out pretty great and I love that the boys helped me paint the black spots!

One of my favorites:pissed off penguin.
 Followed closely by passed out penguin. He really did like walking around with the other little people trick or treating. His smiles were so huge like he knew something awesome was going down for kids.
 Seriously mummified pigs in a blanket will become a necessity to Halloween dinner right along with the Jack-o-lantern pizza. Mummies get in my tummies:

Monday, November 10, 2014

not today

Adam suddenly remembered that he brought a little bag of candy home from his harvest party at school on Halloween. I told him he could have some of the candy if he shared with his brother Eli. He went to his with Eli following close behind to find his empty bag of candy on his dresser. He came out of his room yelling, "MOM, Eli ate all of my candy".

To witch Eli with wide spread arms responded, "not today, not today". As if a crime is only punishable immediately after it takes place. Oh, this child is wise beyond his years.

I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes and when I called Dave to share the story with him he couldn't understand my words between the laughing.

Isaac is 5 Months

Isaac is five months old. I actually forgot on Sunday to take his picture, but due to a snow day Adam was able to help me today. I had to move rooms and chairs again (this time the original rocker in the living room) due to lighting issues.

 Isaac has changed a lot in the last month. He's rolling onto his tummy, eating solids, working on sitting and spent a day at daycare. He's rolling and sleeping on his tummy so I had to stop swaddling him. Also he managed to roll himself over in the rock and play, so either I start strapping him in or it's time to give that up, too. He also hardly never stays on the large blanket I put him on in the living room he rolls and pulls himself to different toys and ultimately I find him off the blanket squawking in disagreement.

As for solids I really would like to do baby led weaning this time around with Isaac, but he wants to eat so bad that I've fed him some applesauce and other foods mashed up from my plate.
 Isaac reaches for everything now. I have to be careful when he sits with me at the table, because he's extra interested in food.
 And he usually gets what he reaches for.