Friday, October 31, 2014


We pick them, we buy them, we cut them open and clean all the seeds and goop out and make a mess and last we make faces on them. It sounds like fun before the process is started, but yet it's not my favorite thing. At least Dave roasts the seeds for eating and I have a cute picture with my boys and their spooky jack-o-lanterns at the end of the long process.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Day In The Life Of Me

Today on instagram was #onedayhh where you are supposed to document the small details of your life. Except today was not so ordinary for me. I got to chaperon Adam's first field trip to Nelson's Farm and I just didn't feel comfortable overgraming, so instead I will blog.

After David took the big two to daycare I had a little time at home with just Isaac, but not a lot of time, so I stuffed cloth diapers while breastfeeding Isaac. Afterwards a mini freak out that I couldn't possibly drop Isaac off for daycare for the first time and Brockway for grooming, but I just barely caught Adam's classroom before they left for the bus.

 The first thing Adam's class did at the farm was hold chicks and then gather and sort eggs. I personally loved the egg sorter machine and the blueish-green eggs.
 The inside of the silo was beautiful!
 I found a few minutes to sneak off for a pump session after learning all about cow milking. Perfect timing much?
 Picnic lunch outside at the farm.
Adam managed to find the largest pumpkin from the small pumpkin field for carving. I'm slightly sad that the stem broke off before we even got back on the wagon for they hay ride out of the field.

I flew from the elementary school to daycare to get my youngest two. Isaac did great at daycare and was so excited when middle brother let him hold the hockey stick.
I had a meal "planned", but frozen pizza matched me exhaustion level much better. Also: note witching hour and baby wearing- pretty much nailed it!
Declan joined us for an hour tonight. He's 16 months, refusing the high chair and using the fork like a pro. Where did baby Declan go?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Isaac's 4 Month Check Up

Yesterday I took Isaac to his four month check up. I guessed he would be 15 pounds 13 ounces and Eli guessed 3 pounds. He actually weighed 14 pounds 8.8 ounces which is the 27th percentile. His height on the other hand was 23.27" which is in the first percentile for height. Our pediatrician said the nurse who measured him doesn't normally do peds, so she figures either he's finding his own growth curve or the length measurement was off slightly. So he's short like the rest of my boys, well except that they both measured 24.5" at their 4 month check up (Eli's 4 month check up stats and Adam's). It would have been nice to have one tall baby, but I guess we just make compact babies. His head was 16.73" which is the 73rd percentile. And the last percentiage they give out is weight for recumbent length data and Isaac was in the 95th percentile. He's a chubby dude!

We ended the appointment with shots and he was pretty off the rest of the day. I'm hoping today will be better because just about everything caused Isaac to full out cry!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

On a very Windy Day 8 Years Ago

I do remember the wind eight years ago and the leaves blowing and on our anniversary the weather was exactly the same (well a few degrees cooler than 80). It was such an awesome day, but I married my best friend so that will always rank high in awesomeness.

Last Friday with Dave's parents here we got to enjoy a slow dinner at Zella's with a bottle of wine and then our sitter said she was free the day after our anniversary so we went on a second date. A second date without kids less than a week apart! So Wednesday we went for sushi and then shopping at Meanards for flooring and then Culver's to share a double scoop of the Flavor of the Day- Oreo Cheesecake.  Mainly it was stay out long enough for the boys to be asleep and it worked.

Actually for Christmas I gifted Dave with the 12 dates of Christmas with plans to go out on at least one date each month. I think we've actually succeeded so far.

January- Post Christmas shopping date for Dave to get new work cloths at Albertville Outlet Mall
February- skiing at Swedetown and Cabaret double date with Andy and Brooke

March- weekend getaway to Michigan for WCHA hockey tournament and Shar's shower

April- Painting Class which was actually a fundraiser for United Way

May- Painting Isaac's nursery/guest room grey. My parents took the boys so we had the house to ourselves- I must have been nesting!
June- Lunch date at Zellas (Isaac attended)
July- All Star Futures and Celebrity Softball Games at Target field (Again Isaac attended)
August- Linkin Park Concert (the best dates end with fair mini donuts!)

September- Night at a Bed and Breakfast (1st night away from Isaac after my cousin's wedding) & Dinner date for Dave's birthday at Zellas
October- Two anniversary dinner dates!
November- Painting class again-
December- TBD

I would honestly say my present was the perfect thing considering we added our third kid and survived our seven year itch. Happy eight years David, let's continue to go on dates often!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Isaac is 4 Months

Isaac is four months old. And I had to move our monthly photo to a new chair in a new room (the rocker in our room). Isaac's crib replaced the glider in his room that I was using for the monthly photo shoot. It turned out pretty good I think, other than only getting a couple smiles from Isaac. Mostly he was too busy talking to me to smile, I wonder who he gets that from. 

We started cloth diapering this last month using my modern cloth diapers and it's going really well. No more explosions and I really like not having to go to Target to buy diapers (don't get me wrong I like Target, just not buying diapers). And not having to deal with poopy clothes is great! 

Isaac found his feet this last month and really started playing with toys. Everything needs to be able to go in his mouth though. We're pretty sure the teething has started, but I know it will most likely be a long time before a tooth actually breaks through.

We also started ECFE on Mondays and I think Isaac really likes the special time that mommy spends interacting and singing with him. Isaac tends to really enjoy his time out of the house shopping, going for a walk or just a drive- his favorite is picking up big brothers from daycare. Adam gets the best smiles on the ride home no matter how crabby Isaac was that day.

Isaac's Baptism

Last weekend was a huge celebration for the Schwedskala household. Isaac was baptized in our church in Hutchinson. Aunt Annie and uncle Matt are Isaac's Godparents and they both made the long trek for the baptism. Which meant all of my nephews were here at once. It was awesome!

Thursday night Grandma Denise and Grandpa Bob showed up just in time for the Packer-Viking football game and Friday night Aunt Ann showed up with her two boys and sent grandma and grandpa to the hotel and then Saturday afternoon my brother, Shar and Elliott came to take over our guest room and Ann left for the hotel (but James stayed in the boys room). My parents came out Saturday night and stayed in the hotel too.

Then on Sunday most of my dad's family came- Great Grandpa Arne, my aunt Anne and her family, my uncles Pat and Marty. And our good friends Andy and Brooke and Declan. It was a full house, but we pulled it off and had a wonderful gathering. Weekends like last weekend really make me want a bigger house and kitchen though!

Unfortunately my fancy camera didn't actually take a picture despite the button being pressed and the shutter making a noise of Isaac and his parents and the full family. Thankfully my dad and father in-law captured the family picture and I'm contemplating getting dressed up for another Isaac, Dad and Mom picture.