Saturday, August 22, 2015

Eli's A Biker Too

We probably officially qualify to have a bike gang with two little bikers in the house. Shortly after Adam learned to bike without training wheels Eli did too (less than a week). Adam was super encouraging and Eli spent some time on the strider bike learning balance.

I can't believe I have a four year old biking. Since my boys figured out how to bike without training wheels, our old neighbor Ethan and Nate both borrowed our strider and are biking without training wheels. I'm so glad I bought Eli that bike when he turned three even if it took over a year to get use.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

So When Did Isaac Start Walking... another question I cannot exactly answer

I can't pinpoint the day Isaac started walking. It was after his first birthday, but before we moved into the new house. He's a walker now, well more like a bow-legged, drunken sailor toddler.

This picture is from June 13th- so we'll call that the day he started walking, you know when all else fails search through your pictures to find an answer. He had a pretty good face plant that day on the patio, so we'll go with it.

Isaac 12 Month Picture

Where I left off on my blog-the day Isaac turned 1, Tuesday June 9th, 2015 we had just had our very first showing on our home. It was slightly chaotic- having to straighten the house up and remove the normal "Schwedskala Birthday" streamers and balloons, but we bought a new house and really wanted to sell our old house. So we took the birthday celebrations and grandma to Buffalo Wild Wings. That night we got the feedback on the showing, expecting a "looks nice, but pass". Instead the potential buyers said, "Interior- Average, floor plan- average, pricing- above market value, Buyers will put in an offer on Wednesday". When our relator sent a text that said, "feedback doesn't get much better than that" I knew it was real. We accepted their offer on Thursday and sold our house!

The month of May/beginning of June was physically filled with getting our house ready to sell and emotionally negotiating the purchase of a new home. The rest of June/July was filled with physically moving and emotionally the negotiation of the sale of our old home. Thankfully the emotional/really stressful parts seem to be over, but the physical unpacking will be going on all of August (please let us finish this year). Our garage is full of boxes and we really need to unpack.

But in the midst of everything I did finally remember to take Isaac's 12 month picture at the new house (a couple weeks late, but he wasn't 13 months... yet). Stoic baby boy is done with the month stickers and immediately removed it from his onsie.

We did finally get Isaac to smile, thanks to Eli, who makes an appearance in a tickle picture below.



Little Man, Big Man and Middle Man

My kids are all a year older, birthdays have been celebrated and doctor check ups have been attended to. Our Little Man, Isaac, 28.25" 4th percentile, and 20 pounds 15.8 ounces 42nd percentile for weight. Along with an infected eyelid that showed up the morning of his appointment Isaac was also diagnosed with an ear infection so no shots that day and we left with a round of antibiotics (2 for 1 drug that would treat both infections at $90 for the bottle). I had thought Isaac was being pretty crabby, but he had just started walking, so I thought he was just ornery from that.

Our Big Man, Adam, is 3 feet 8.63" which is 32nd percentile for height. He is 43 pounds which is also 32nd percentile for weight. You would think that would make his BMI 32nd percentile, but it wasn't- 43rd percentile.

Right now I can't find our Middle Man, Eli's check up stats.