Saturday, December 31, 2011

Someone Crawled

Last night Eli finally crawled.  Dave and I were talking and Eli was in between us and he just started crawling.  He still really likes to army crawl most of the time, but I think he'll switch to regular crawling soon.

And we finally got enough snow to shovel the driveway and go for a walk with the sled.  All I can say is, more please!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Why Bring a Stroller to the Zoo?

Yesterday we went to the Minnesota Zoo with my parents and brother.  We brought the giant double stroller, but as soon as we walked in to the zoo my brother and mom scooped up the boys and I don't think the spent more than 5 minutes in the stroller combined the whole time we were there.

I guess we put our coats in the stroller, so it wasn't completely useless.  That and Adam did walk a fair amount, because he was exhausted when we left the zoo.
We made a quick stop at Costco for diapers and the essentials- Dave shopped and I read Hunger Games on my new awesome Kindle while the boys napped in the backseat.  Then we drove up to the Farm to visit my grandparents and have dinner.  After dinner and playing we put the boys in their jammies and drove the two hours home.  It was a great way to use a vacation day!

Christmas Recap

We left for Wisconsin on Thursday after work.  Which gave us plenty of time for playing with Aunt Annie, Cousin James, Uncle Titus and Grandma and Grandpa before Christmas.  Adam loved "Criss Cross Apple Sauce" and would laugh and laugh and then ask Aunt Annie to "do it again".

 Look I finally got a picture of Eli's teeth that have been poking through for a while now.  One morning I was sitting in a chair chatting with my in laws and Eli army crawled over and bit my toe.  When he's hungry he always lets me know!
It snowed on the eve of Christmas Eve.  It was just enough to take the boys for a walk in the sled that night and to play in the snow on Christmas Eve.  Daddy and Adam used up most of the snow to make one big snowball.  
We weren't successful getting Adam down for a nap on Christmas Eve, it's like he felt the excitment in the air and refused to sleep so he wouldn't miss anything.  We got to mass just before 4 PM and with the dim lights and pre-Christmas music (I say pre-Christmas because there isn't one song they sing before mass that I recognize as a traditional Christmas song, those are saved for after mass begins) Adam started to fade.  Dave grabbed him before he fell off of his chair and Adam napped through most of church.

Ham was our traditional Christmas Eve dinner.  Then we did the Christmas program and Eli got to put Baby Jesus in the manger.  He needed help to let go and when he did put him down the donkey was picked up.  My favorite part of the program this year was the last song we sing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" and we were all singing and I looked over to my big boy Adam sitting in a chair all by himself singing out loud making up the words as he went.  We put the boys in matching Christmas jammies and then had a Birthday cake for Jesus.  Right before bed Adam put cookies out for the big man in red.

On Christmas morning we woke up bright and early with alarms going off at at 6:30 AM.  Adam woke up and told us that he had heard Rudolf on the roof.  I put Eli down on Adam's "bed" (a couple foam mattresses on the floor) to change his diaper and he rolled over immediately to his stomach and went back to sleep with his head down on the bed and his legs hanging straight off the bed.  Santa was not enough to make Eli want to be awake that early.  Adam did some sweet talking to Eli and slowly Eli started to lift his head up.  Santa brought Adam that tricycle he's been asking for.  Santa also made the big boys Proud Packer owners:

But when all the presents were opened what did Adam and James play with- bubble wrap.  Why do we spend money on new toys?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

8 Months

We had a fantastic Christmas in Wisconsin.  We've been home for two days and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with all the new toys.  I asked Adam if we should give away some of his toys that he doesn't play with anymore, and he said "Yes, to James".  I'm pretty sure Ann doesn't have room for all of the extra toys I would like to find a home for.

My little bug, Eli, is 8 months old.    He's pulling himself up constantly.  He's still getting everywhere doing the army drag.  I know he's capable of crawling, but he just doesn't.  Tonight I stripped him and Adam down in their bedroom and then sent them loose to get to the bathroom without clothing.  Eli pulled himself to the bathroom and once there realized it was uncomfortable to drag himself on the bathroom floor naked he lifted himself up on his knees and then pulled himself to the tub, but he still didn't use his legs, only his arms.  It was so funny to watch a baby up on their knees not crawling, but yet managing to pull themselves forward.  Dave and I were laughing so hard.
I'm realizing as I look at these pictures that my little baby is disappearing and a toddler-little boy is starting to show through.  He laughs often, but still isn't sleeping through the night.  We'll have to see if this month brings crawling or walking, both of which seem to be just around the corner for Eli.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Conversations With Santa

Post Christmas Eve mass Dave spent sometime entertaining the boys after dinner before we started the traditional family Christmas Program.  Dave was using a pretend phone to talk to the North Pole and when Mrs. Claus told him Santa was out on his sleigh delivering presents they called Santa's cell phone to get an update.  Santa asked Dave to confirm there would be cookies and milk when he arrived.  Dave then asked Adam if he thought he could put some cookies out for Santa?

Grandma and grandpa's dishwasher broke right before the whole family invaded for Christmas.  So I was helping clean the kitchen when Adam walked in asking for cookies.  Both Denise and I were on the same wavelength with a "no" response, because we had just finished dinner and Jesus's Birthday cake was going to be our dessert.  Normally this would be okay with my 2 and half year old, but he lost it and threw a rather large fit.  Then Dave comes in to smooth things over.  The cookies were not for Adam, but for Santa and that little boy didn't want to disappoint the big man in red.

After Dave ended the call with Santa James picked up the phone and was running around saying Santa into the phone.  It was pretty darn cute.

As I mentioned the dishwasher was broken and the house was full with 9 people, so the dishes were still being washed.  Adam and James started to get a little more rough when Adam almost threw James into one of grandpa's speakers.  Dave told Adam to settle down or he would have to call Santa back.  James heard that and grabbed the phone and started saying, "Santa, Santa!"  Adam ran and started yelling, "no James no, don't do it! don't tell Santa"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goodbye Park

Sunday was a fabulously wonderful fall winter day.  The temp must have been close to 50 degrees.  I've given up all hope for a white Christmas, but at least we got outside to enjoy the weather.  I went for a run with Brockway while little boys napped and big boys watched a Packer game.  Then I insisted that we all go to the park and play for the last hour of daylight.  

Little boys and a mamma had fun swinging on the swings.  Daddy snapped some photos and Brockway got to run around off leash, because we had the playground all to our selves.

When the shadows were so long they were all but gone we started the journey home and Adam turned to the playground and said, "Goodbye park."  Yes park, goodbye.  Thanks for all of the wonderful time we spent there in 2011!  We look forward to many more in 2012.
Then daddy grilled us burgers while Adam played in the backyard.  Sand angels were made and basket ball was played by the outside lights.  If I didn't look at the calendar I wouldn't have guessed it was the end to a December day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I need more take

My conversation with Adam while wrapping presents this weekend.
Adam, "I need take.  More take please."
Me, "What did you just say?"
"Adam this is very serious, Mommy and Daddy make tape at work.  So you have to get this right, it's t-a-P-e"
"Much better."
"More take please"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dentist Visit

Today I left work telling my coworker, "I'll be back in 15 minutes, I'm taking Adam to the dentist for the first time and all they'll probably do is count his teeth and send us home."  I couldn't have been more wrong.  Adam was amazing.  He wasn't scared at all and he did such a good job opening wide for the hygienist and dentist.  He got his teeth cleaned with the crazy gritty tooth paste and electronic tooth brush, they flossed in between his teeth and he even let them give him a fluoride treatment with the trays- one at a time because his little mouth can't fit both trays in at once.  He became an expert with the suction and sat very still while the dentist poked around for a few seconds in his mouth.

After tons of praise to my cute little guy in such a huge big chair the dentist warned me to get my "ortho fund" started, because Adam already has crowding with his baby teeth.  Mom and Dad both had braces, so I'd be more surprised if he hadn't told me that.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pulling Up

Eli is getting more and more mobile and into more and more things.  Tonight while we ate dinner Eli roamed around on the floor.  Dave and I watched as he tried over and over to get into our pantry cabinet from his tummy lying position.  He grabbed the door to open it and realized his body was in the way so he would lean his head back as far as he could, but it wasn't far enough and he couldn't get it open enough.  I just feel like he's too resourceful for 7 months old.  

Then there's the constant mad dash for the bathroom.  Those potty toys and the little person potty are just too interesting and honestly gross for a baby to touch.  Dave heard him making a break for it and so he yelled "Eli, where are you going."  And what does our little stinker do?  He turns, smiles at Dad, and then starts the army crawl sprint toward the bathroom.

Tonight he also pulled himself up on the lego table and played with his brother.  Ugh... I keep saying it, but I'm not ready.  Stay little baby!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Adam and Eli did the meet and greet with Santa this Saturday at 3M's annual Children's Christmas Party.  My aunt's Christmas Tea event always falls the same day and time as the Children's Christmas Party, so I opted to spend time with my aunts and cousins and Dave took the boys by himself.  They came home with new toys and Adam got to tell Santa that he wants a tricycle and a wagon.  Eli was not such a fan!
At daycare there is a little Santa figure on the wall behind plexiglass and Adam won't let anyone open it up for fear that Santa will runaway.  So I asked Adam in the van on the way to Brooke and Andy's tonight about that Santa.

"Adam, where is the Santa at daycare going to go if you let him out?"
"He's going to runaway"
"Where is he going to runaway too?"
"Why Outside?"
"He's going to get in the car."
"And where is he going to go in the car?"
"To Christmas.  Santa is going to Christmas."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Is Coming

Adam knew what was in the big box and he was sooo excited to put up our Christmas tree today.  We were going to put up the tree on Saturday, but my parents have came out to help every year since Adam was born.  So to keep the tradition alive we waited until today.  Adam put up the first ornament, as well as many others near the bottom of our tree.

We tried to get Eli to help, but he just chewed on the balls and got glitter everywhere.  So instead we dressed him up as the tree.  Pretty cute, but he doesn't stay put long enough to make a good Christmas tree!

I couldn't help myself- I put the boys in  matching outfits.  I've been waiting for Eli to fit into this adorable shirt!

7 Months

 Eli is seven months old.  And taking his monthly picture is starting to get harder.  He was so tired when I took this picture that I couldn't get him to sit up strait or put his arms down.  So this is what I got.  This last month he got his first two little teeth, he started army crawling fast and he learned to sit up on his own.  He goes where he wants and there isn't much we can do to stop him.  He adores his brother and I'm pretty sure his first word will be Adam.  When he see's Adam he squeals and Adam's toys are way better than anything he has in front of him.

He's still our happy easy Eli.  My biggest complaint is that he still doesn't sleep through the night and wakes up once or twice to eat.  I keep waiting for that to change, but I only get a random day here or there where he sleeps all night long.  Twice this week he went to bed screaming and wouldn't stop yelling after two minutes like normal.  When we went to get him he made it pretty obvious that what he wanted was food and by food I mean solids.  Sooner or later sleeping all night will happen and then I will be one happy mamma.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hockey Practice

We went into the cities yesterday again to spend time at my parents house with Matt and Shar.  The boys both love the toys at grandma and grandpa's house.  Even our crazy moving Eli stayed in one place to play with the new toys and Adam got to play a bubble popping ap on Shar's smart phone.  It was nice to spend some extra time with my brother and sister in-law.  

So today was a day to hang out at home.  My boys were cuddling on the couch together and even though it looks like they were watching the TV that's not what they were doing.  We listened to Christmas music all morning long.

There was lots of time for petting Brockway too.  

With the coffee table removed from the center of our living room there is a lot more room for a hockey game.  And today Adam and Eli had their first combined hockey practice.  I couldn't get over how interested Eli was in Adam playing hockey, so we decided to let Eli play too.  Adam spent some time trying to teach Eli that the puck was for hitting with the stick and not for eating.  Be patient Adam, he'll figure it out.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for a hockey player, but I'm pretty sure I already have one:
Or maybe I have two:
I finally finished my second pumpkin hat for Mr. Eli.  Now I just have to make one a little longer for Adam.  Adam is in love with the hat and I think it's because he watched me make it.  I tried to put them in the hat box in the entry way and Adam said "No, the hats come upstairs."  And then he proceeded to wear them on and off all day.