Monday, August 23, 2010

The Little Things

Today as I backed out of the driveway headed to work I blew kisses at my sweet little boy. My husband was trying to buckle him into his car seat and I could see that Adam was blowing them back at me. Almost as sweet as my husbands face when he realized why Adam was not cooperating, jumped out of the car and demanded I roll down my window so he could tell me my son was blowing kisses at me.

This afternoon Adam got to play with shaving cream at school. He kept blowing on it and telling Rachel, his teacher, it was hot. I told him the same thing on Saturday evening as he grabbed for steamed green beans. It didn't take long before Adam was blowing on his green beans just like mom. (He doesn't like the frozen or canned green beans- just the fresh ones from mom's garden.)

He learns so much so fast and it just amazes Dave and I every day.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lake Michigan

We visited the Eastern edge of Wisconsin this weekend, which means Adam got to play on the beach of Lake Michigan. I favor Lake Superior when it comes to the Great Lakes, but Dave grew up near Lake Michigan, so it was special to him that Adam's first Great Lake experience was Michigan. I had way too much fun capturing it with the camera!

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Hair Cut

Sunday started with our breakfast on the patio. Then we barely made it to church on time. Adam was really good at church. Then after Adam's nap and messiest snack time yet we drove into the big city. (I was feeding Adam some yogurt before we left and Adam grabbed for the spoon. He really wanted to feed himself, but it was messy. Half of the yogurt was probably on his face, but he was being a big boy.)
Adam got his first hair cut. We went to a place that specializes in cutting little people hair. They had tiny little chairs, TV's
and a bubble machine!

After the haircut we went out to eat at Bucca's with my family. Adam played with pizza dough as we waited for our food.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This morning was humid and hot early, but we decided to have breakfast out on the patio anyway.


Peek-a-boo I see you!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Up and Down the Stairs

Ever since Adam figured out how to go up the stairs we've been attempting to teach him how to safely go down the stairs. We all worked on it a lot last weekend and I think he's got the routine down now. Step forward, sit down on your butt, then scoot forward and stand up.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Cousins

I just realized I never posted pictures from the second half of cousinfest. We did a little photo shoot on Sunday with matching outfits. We still haven't decided if the shirt is a monkey or a bear. What do you think?