Monday, May 25, 2009

Too Pregnant To Travel (36w0d)

Well this Memorial Day weekend I was too pregnant to really travel, so I stayed home. Dave flew to Chicago on Saturday morning for a bachelor party and he came home Sunday afternoon. I think he was worried I'd go into labor, but I assured him the little guy wasn't coming out anytime soon.

It was a great Holiday weekend for our dog. When I got home on Friday I let Brockway outside and saw that Dakota our neighbor dog was outside with Gizmo, Brockway's favorite Beagle (our neighbor's sister's dog). So Brockway got to run and play with the dogs and that wore her out. Later that night we went to Nicole and Mike's apartment to watch the twins game. We walked over with a Brockway and she carried the beer in her backpack. Brockway and Lucky (Lucky's the lab with Brockway in the picture above) had a ton of fun playing and I think I watched them more than the game. I'm glad that the Twins beat the Brewer's though! Dave made me wear his jersey:
Then on Saturday I drove into the cities with Brockway so we could visit my parents. We met them at the Minneapolis Farmer's Market. Brockway was such a good dog the whole time we were at the Market. I was afraid she would get too excited and jump on people, but she stayed really calm (probably still worn out from Friday night). She loves my parents so she had a great day on Saturday. My mom and I went shopping for a few baby items and flowers. I wasn't planning on planting eight months pregnant, but after seeing all the pretty flowers I really wanted to.

Sunday morning Brockway begged to go play with Gizmo and Dakota again, so I hung out with our neighbor Amy and her sister in law for a little while. Amy is pregnant too, due in October with her first. Hopefully our kids will enjoy playing together! After Dave got home we went to my coworkers house for a barbecue. There were two 6 week old baby's at the party (I'm holding both in the picture to the right), so both Dave and I got practice holding and calming little babies down. I even got to change a poopy diaper! I think Dave is going to make a great dad:
On Monday Dave and I hung out around the house and planted all the flowers I had bought over the weekend.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Doctors Appointment (35w1d)

Yesterday was our 35 week appointment. I had the lovely group B strep test and our doctor decided to check out my cervix for extra fun. She told me at our last appointment that at 35 weeks I shouldn't be dilated at all. I of course asked well what happens if I am and we had the possible bed rest talk. Well sure enough I was dilated 1 cm yesterday. I asked if that means I have to stop taking the dog for long walks, golfing and swimming and she said no, she's not worried at all, few. Well then she measured my fundal height which should match the number of weeks pregnant I am. I was measuring 32 cm 3 cm off and no change from my 33 week appointment. I actually had a nightmare on Sunday night that I was still measuring small and had to get an ultrasound. In my dream the placenta stopped working so the baby had to be delivered early. So I was freaked out when the doctor told me I was measuring small.

So today we had an ultrasound to check up on baby and make sure he/she is a good size. This marked the third ultrasound we could have found out if we were having a boy or a girl, my will power is really being tested! The head was measuring 38-39 weeks, the little belly was measuring 33 weeks and the leg measurement was 35 weeks. The ultrasound estimated the baby to weigh about 5lb 11oz. Dave thought he saw that baby was in the 50th percentile. So although I haven't heard from my doctor that everything is fine, I'm not worried at all. And I almost forgot today the heart rate was 154 bpm and yesterday it was 150.

I had another shower last weekend. Brooke threw me an awesome shower here in Hutchinson and invited my coworkers and volleyball friends. Baby's got even more cute things now! I'll post pictures once I steal them from Brooke. We also finished up our birth preparedness class this weekend. I learned a lot, but in order to keep people from being creeped out I won't share...

I'll have to post a belly picture later. Judging by the itchiness and appearance of new stretch marks I'd say it probably grew today!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yay Shower (34w 4d)

Last weekend was the Shower in Wisconsin with Dave's side of the family. It was great to see the family. Both future aunts and grandmas were there. We played some games (I was awful at the guess what baby food is in the jar game). And of course Baby Schwedler got some awesome presents! On the drive to Wausau baby kicked me really hard in the ribs and I was sore the rest of the night (this really makes me think it's a boy in there).

The nursery is coming along really well. Dave and Andy painted it a couple weeks ago a beautiful torques color (I'd put a picture up, but the color always looks baby blue in my photos). We went garage saling the first two weekends in May and got a lot of awesome stuff for the baby including a changing table. So the only furniture we have left to by for the baby is a glider. I'm thinking about picking on out this weekend since they usually take 4 weeks to come in.

We had our 33 week doctors appointment last week. Baby's already in the head down position and the doctor gave me the OK to keep swimming and playing golf as long as I feel good. I think the heart rate was 145 bpm, but I can't remember. Other than Memorial day I will be seeing with my doctor every Monday from here until the birth.

I've been waking up in the middle of the night all week- which has made me extremely tired and worn out at work. After about my fifth day in a row complaining Dave told me that from now on when people ask me if I'm starting to get uncomfortable the answer is yes. I guess he's right, but I know I will get more uncomfortable as I get closer to my due date!
Here's my 34 week belly: