Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3 Month Picture

I am stealing this idea from another blog. They took pictures each month of their son's first year of life in the same chair with the same toy. So I started when Adam was 1 month old, but he was in such a sour mood that day: 2 month photo:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Apple Orchard

Dave's parent's came to visit this weekend. They were surprised by how much Adam had changed since Ann's wedding (about a month ago). He's bigger, he smiles more, he coos and makes baby noises. My favorite is his baby giggle that he does when he's in a really good mood.
Yesterday we went to Carlson's Orchard for lunch and apple pie. Then we picked some yummy Honeycrisp apples. Even Adam tried to help. We got 7 lbs of apples and they are so delicious.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sleeping All Night

I didn't want to jinks it by blogging this, because Adam had been sleeping through the whole night all week. But last night he woke up at 4:30. We decided not to set up his Pack 'N Play in our room when we got back from the cabin on Sunday night, so he's been sleeping in his crib upstairs. He slept so awesome all week and a couple of times we actually had to get Adam up in the morning to feed him, but then last night he had to go and ruin the streak. Oh well, I splurged on a caffeinated latte this morning to make up for being woken up last night (I really wanted the pumpkin spice latte, but Dunn Brothers doesn't have it in yet).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

3 Month Pictures

Adam had his three month pictures taken today. He was in such a good mood and was smiling, laughing and talking the whole time! It took me almost two months to develop his one month pictures, and they finally showed up in the mail today. Oh well looks like I'll be ordering more pictures really soon.

Below are some of my favorites. Here's a link to the rest of the pictures: http://www1.snapfish.com/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=1320468002/a=15513476_15513476/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfish/

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cabin and Great Grandpa and Grandma

Adam and I went to the cabin last Wednesday with my mom. My dad came up late Thursday evening and Dave showed up after work on Friday night. On Friday we went into Hibbing and met great grandma and grandpa Puskala.

Adam had a couple of big moments at the cabin. He reached out and touched Brockway for the first time while I was holding him. He really likes our dog and he looks for her in the room when he hears her collar jingle. He also has started to lean forward and tries to sit up now.

I had a great long weekend, but I'm so happy to be home and have Adam back on his normal schedule. While we were at the cabin the longest he would nap for was 3o minutes, I guess there was just too much excitement to sleep.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football?

I know Adam and Dave are ready for some football. Yesterday church went 15 minutes longer due to father not wanting anyone to actually make the kickoff of the Vikings game. When we got home Dave put Adam in his little Viking's onesie and then Dave was lost into the football zone. We get the NFL super fan ticket, which means he gets to watch every football game in HD and gets to track his fantasy players stats. I should give him more credit he did make dinner during the football games- mmm pulled pork. I didn't get a picture of Adam in the Viking outfit, because he pooped all over it during his nap. So then he got to wear his Packer's jersey. Our little Packer fan made it through the first half of the game and then dad had to bounce him to sleep during half time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ann & Titus

Adam's aunt Annie and uncle Titus are married! Ann was a beautiful bride Titus looked pretty good too.
I was able to find a little tuxedo for Adam, so he looked super cute when Dave and I walked him down the aisle. Besides fussing while walking down the aisle, he made it through the entire wedding without crying. Almost everyone else at the wedding cried though!

We had a great weekend introducing Adam to the family. He spent the whole weekend being held. The Schwedler's party hard, so we're still exhausted from three straight late nights (Thursday- Saturday).

On Sunday we spent most of the day hanging out with Dave's family before we got on the road. We only had to drive a couple hours to Madison to spend the night at my aunt's farm house. Monday Adam got to meet Annalise, my cousin Vanessa's daughter who is about a month younger than Adam. Nothing is cuter than two babies.