Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Little Photographers

Dave and I made a quick stop in at Target on our trip on the East Coats in 2013. We were planning on going sea kayaking and I didn't bring a wet bag for my camera/cell phone. The plan was to purchase a wet bag to keep my electronics dry, but instead we left the store with a majorly on sale waterproof point and shoot camera. I didn't realize that the camera was basically indestructible and the perfect boy camera. Adam and Eli have been working on their photography skills and I'm pretty proud of some of there work.
Some of Adam's photos:

 And one of Eli's photos:

Friday, January 30, 2015

Mini Mites

I love mini mite games in between periods of hockey games. Saturday was Hutch Hockey day and our little Adam got to play in between the first and second period of the boys high school hockey game. I snapped an adorable picture of him watch the team play in his little uniform during the first period as he waited his turn to play.

And then on Monday I had the picture below in my inbox at work from the Hutchinson goalie's dad of Adam in goal. I just find it funny that we both took pictures of each others son in goal this weekend.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pinewood Derby

Saturday morning Adam had his first Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts. He came up with the idea to make a car with hair and from there it ballooned to making a crazy purple evil minon. He was surprised to win third place out of the Lion's Den and has a shiny new trophy up high on the shelf where no one can touch it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Some Things Don't Change

Eli has been asking me to wash his "queie" for a little over a week. So last night I snuck "him" in the wash (yes my son's blanket is an inanimate object and most definitely a boy, everything in my house is a boy). And as we put Eli to bed he remembered that his blanket was in the wash, As we waited I remembered my little one year old Eli waiting somewhat patiently for his blankie to dry two years ago. So much the same, but yet he's so much bigger!

And when the blankie was finally dry he happily hugged it and announced that queie was sharing heat with him and then walked himself right to bed!


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hockey Hair

"Adam do you want grow your hair out?" Dave asked because Adam's hair was finally starting to get a little shaggy. Adam gets about one haircut to every two Dave and Eli gets.

Adam's response was hilarious, "no, I want to grow it so it sticks out the back of my helmet." I guess the desire for hockey hair starts early.

Friday, January 16, 2015

6 Month Professional Pictures

On Wednesday I snuck out of work early and took Isaac to his six seven month photos. He did great and I got some adorable photos of my adorable little boy. Plus it was some nice just mom and iZ time.

I purposely put Isaac in the same dinosaur shirt Adam and Eli wore for their 6 month photo shoot and the sweater Eli wore. So then I had to do comparison photos- Adam-Eli-Isaac from left to right in each photo. Seriously so many boys and to me the look so different!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Isaac is 7 Months

I knew life would rocket warp speed once I went back to work and I was sure right- this month went fast! Isaac seems to enjoy daycare and eating food more and more. Breastfeeding is going strong still, which is awesome! Isaac loves baby led weaning and so do we. He eats what we eat and feeds himself. He has his third tooth and he loves when we brush his teeth and smiles the whole time.
Isaac is so completely mobile, daycare even noticed a change when he went back after Christmas break. He likes to rock on his knees and I know any day now he will figure out crawling. He's a full fledged sitter so he can play with big brothers in the bathtub which he really likes. He still takes a nuk in the crib to sleep. I'm starting to think hair might finally be growing, my poor nearly bald baby!



Thursday, January 8, 2015

2014 Review

2014 was a great year in the Schwedskala house. We gained another awesome son Isaac, Adam started kindergarten, Eli started preschool and Dave got a new job so he isn't doing shifts.

January we found out we were having a boy:
February we went to Tech for Winter Carnival and the boys got to meet Blizard T. Husky:
March we finally found above zero weather and the grass for golf. We also lost my mom's mom, Grandma LaCasse.
In April not only was my nephew Elliott born but my little Eli turned 3:
In May Adam graduated preschool, something I could barely handle at the time:

And in June we got to meet Isaac for the first time and he's pretty special. Shortly after Isaac's birth my grandmother, my dad's mom Grandma Shan passed away.

We celebrated a five year old a little late in July with an Avenger themed birthday party.
August we took a vacation to Shawno Lake with Dave's whole family. Afterwards I went back to work and David stayed home with Isaac for some bonding time.

 September brought preschool and kindergarten for my boys. Plus I ran my first post baby 5k and settled in to being on maternity leave again.

October we took a family road trip to St. Louis with my parents over Adam's MEA break. Also Isaac got baptized.


November with the realization that my maternity leave was nearly over. I went back to work the day before Thanksgiving. We went to Bemdji to watch Michigan Tech have their 9th and 10th continues win this fall and introduce the boys to Paul Bonyan and Babe the Blue Ox.

December was full of Christmas celebration and family time. Eli sang in his first Christmas Concert in the mall and he did great! We also got pictures of matching Christmas jammies with cousins and brothers!