Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where did the sippy go?

Adam fell asleep in the running stroller today. He skipped his afternoon nap and so I let him continue sleeping when we got home. This always seems like such a good idea, but it usually ends with a monster screaming. He's the opposite of a gremlin, I can't let him nap in the late afternoon/early evening. It was 5:30 at night when my monster showed his true colors.

So I was running around looking for Adam's sippy cup that he was drinking water out of before my run. And Adam's screaming was elevating fast, so I in listed Dave too. We looked everywhere in the house, and could not find it. After dinner we were cleaning up in the kitchen and Adam comes strolling by missing sippy in hand. I turn to Dave and was like where did you find that, and he's like I didn't. Then he saw the pantry door open. And a few minutes later we watched Adam put it away in the cupboard and close the door. Now if I could only get him to tell me what he did with his other sandal. And I already checked the cupboard!
And what's cuter than puppies, well maybe Adam with one. Meet Croix, Brockway's new much younger boyfriend. Croix is Adam's godparent's puppy.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Adam 1 Year Photos (72 photos), by Renee from Dassel

Adam's 1 year photos. I thought they turned out great- he wasn't enjoying the pictures inside, so outdoors is where the bulk of them were taken.

Click here to view photos

Sunday, July 25, 2010


This morning we were at uncle Matt and aunt Shar's new condo in Chicago. Adam pulled a physics book off their shelf and started reading it to Shar. So cute!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cousinfest Schwed-mond Style

We left Thursday night for Kenosha to see our little nephew. When we were in Madison we got a call from grandpa Bob, who was on his way to Kenosha from Milwaukee. 94 was closed due to crazy rain and flooding. So we stopped and stayed in a hotel outside of Milwaukee. Adam never ever stays a sleep when we try to move him, so of course he woke up. From 12:30 to 3 AM we struggled to try and get him to sleep in the hotel room. Way too much screaming later, we finally decided to hide in the bathroom and exactly 10 minutes he was a sleep. It was that easy, we just can't be in the room.

Baby James is so cute. We've enjoyed taking turns holding him. Adam's not sure what to make of his little cousin, but he does know that he likes his bouncy chair. He's crawled in it several times today.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Welcome to the world James Titus! Adam has a cousin. We can't wait to meet him.
His new favorite thing is flowers. He likes to pick clovers and was super happy with this black eyed susan I gave him on our walk.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Little Peanut

He's still my Little Man. The stats are in from Adam's 1 year check up. He's 20 lbs 6 oz in the 15th percentile. Length 29 1/4" in the 34th percentile and his head is 19" which is the 93rd percentile.

We went to the doctor at 3:50 today. We were called from the waiting room really fast, which is not normal. We really like our doctor, but she's always running late. The nurse took Adam's weight and height and then left us in the exam room to wait for our doctor. I forgot to grab toys for Adam and he was not in a patient mood. Dave and I took turns trying to entertain him, but inevitably he started to fuss because he was board and wanted to play with the medical equipment. In a moment of enginerdiness Dave made an airplane out of a paper in my purse and we made swooshing noises as we flew it around the tiny room. Adam loved it and soon he was chasing after the plane and making his own noises. Just when we got him relaxed our doctor came in, about 40 minutes after our appointment was supposed to start. I really do like our doctor!

The last Three weeks

The last three weeks flew by. We were at a cabin with grandma and grandpa for a week. Which was a much needed vacation after working so hard on the patio.

The following weekend someone celebrated a very important birthday.

After the party we were able to fall back into our normal routine for about four days. We went to the park one night and played.

Then Dave and I packed up for our first get away without little man. We flew to Seattle for a long weekend. And we survived, but we were extremely excited to see Adam again when we got home!