Sunday, February 28, 2010

The weekends seem to go faster and faster lately. Friday night we hung out with Andy and Brooke watching the Olympics (I think I watched more of the Olympics this year than ever before- Thank you Mr. DVR). Then Saturday we woke up early, and not because of Adam. Brockway was getting into the garbage at 6:30 AM. Darn dog, I was supposed to sleep in, but I was up for the day. Thanks to Brockway I actually motivated and made it to the gym before noon. On my way home from the gym Dave and I decided to go skiing with my parents. So we met them at Carver Park Reserve and I skied with Adam on my back. He feel asleep in the carrier and it felt like I was carrying a 20 lb sack of potatoes on my back. Needless to say I was worn out and am extremely sore today. Today was church, then watching hockey and playing with my son.

I think this baby is going to be crawling soon:

8 Months Old

He's eight months old now! This last month was a busy one for Adam. He has first and second teeth poking out! He claps all the time, which mommy thinks is the cutest thing ever. He had his first ear infection and we're still not sure if it's gone. And he's sleeping through the night consistently (wohoo!). He's at such a fun age right now. I love playing with him and just sitting back and watching him play. We really seem to have a family routine down, but Adam is flexible and his world doesn't come crashing down if we change it up.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Froggy Fanny

Don't you wish you had jammies with a froggy on the behind? We love lazy Saturday mornings hanging out as a family in our PJ's.

This picture is Adam's "mom enough with the camera" look:

We ended our lazy Saturday morning to go to Grandma's house. Dave and I went to see Avatar in 3D and grandma and grandpa watched Little Man. It was a three hour movie and when we got home Adam needed to be held by mommy. I felt bad, because it took a good 10 minutes before he was ready for daddy time. I keep reminding Dave that soon he will be all daddy-daddy-daddy and he will only want mommy when he's sick or hurt.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our Little Big Boy

Look he drinks from a sippy cup. Mom still has to hold it for him, but he likes to drink milk from his cup at dinner time!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Call Me Anything, Just Don't Call Me Late for Dinner

Adam started last week with a cold. Runny noise and a cough. As the week went on his little cough got worse and worse. All of the babies in the infant room had a seal-like-cough last week. On Wednesday night daycare sent Adam home with a 99 fever, but we checked it all night long and never saw a temp above 98.6. Plus he seemed like normal Adam, besides a little labored breathing, that I thought was because of his stuffy noise. Thursday I found out after lunch one of the babies in Adam's daycare was in the hospital with RSV. What is RSV? I actually had to google it to find out. It's a nasty cold that lasts a little longer if an adult gets it, but when a child under 2 gets it they can have respiratory problems. The symptoms are runny noise (check), seal like cough (check) and wheezing (oh-no check). So I started to worry, and I got back to my desk to a voicemail from daycare. They thought Adam was wheezing. He was having a hard time breathing. You could feel the wheezing when you held him and it had got a lot worse over the course of the day. So one long trip to Urgent Care later and we are now the proud owners of a Nebulizer and a ten day supply of antibiotics for a double ear infection.

We each took a half day on Friday to take care of our little Man. The Nebulizer treatments worked so well that by the time I came home on Friday afternoon Adam seemed almost normal. He spent a good portion of the afternoon playing on the living room floor. At one point he was facing the other direction and I was on the couch. I said "Adam... Adam... ADAM" he totally ignored me, so I said "Brockway" once and he immediately turned around and looked at me. I did this one more time and got the same response. I'm afraid my son may think his name is Brockway. And it makes a little sense because we do say her name probably 5 times more than we say Adam's on any given day. Oops..

On a side note I found a little tooth starting to peek out on the bottom.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Sorry Adam

I am reading the book "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" by Dr. Richard Ferber and it is a great book. Dave and I had been trying for a couple of weeks to improve Adam's sleep and unfortunately things were just getting worse and worse. We could get him down without crying but he would wake up around midnight and 4 AM and it would be such a struggle to get him back to sleep. So I borrowed the Ferber book from the ECFE library last Monday and things have been so much better. This book is fantastic! It explains the science of sleep so well and the things Dr. Ferber suggest work! So I am sorry Adam, I am putting you down awake and letting you "cry it out". I will no longer do everything in my power to have you fall asleep without a fuss, because I will pay for it dearly later in the night. You are slowly figuring out how to fall asleep alone and you haven't woken up in the middle of the night for a week. I LOVE sleep and getting a full night of it is the best!
Peek-a-boo. I see you!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Everyone is getting Healthy

Last week was not the greatest at the Schwedskala house. It all started two Friday's ago with Little Man not wanting to eat in the morning. After a little coaxing I finally got him to eat, but then while Dave was changing him he had an explosion of puke everywhere. We decided he must be sick, although he had no fever. So Dave stayed home in the morning and I went home at noon. Adam took a couple of long naps, but by noon his hunger was back and he seemed ok. Fast forward to Sunday night, and I was up puking. I spent two days at home and was starting to feel a little better when Dave got the stomach flu on Tuesday night. He was home Wednesday and on Thursday morning Adam woke up with a fever. Dave was still getting over the flu on Thursday so he stayed home with Adam. Thankfully my Dad was able to come watch Adam on Friday, because Dave and I had already missed two and half days in less than a week so we both had to go back to work. Silly daycare won't take him back until he's been fever free for 24 hours. This was his first unexplained fever, which isn't bad for having two months at daycare.

We did take Adam to see the pediatrician on Thursday, but she didn't see anything wrong with him. It was either teething (although a tooth never emerged) or a virus. Either way he is better. I also had her look at his dry skin rash and she thought it looked ok, so that makes me feel better.

So we are all healthy now. This weekend my parents came out for dinner on Saturday night, and ended up staying through Sunday. Dave and I went on a date on Saturday night! It's nice to get out of the house without two trips to the car of baby gear. And on Sunday Adam and I went skiing with my parents. I strapped Adam to my back and we only did one short loop, but man am I sore. I didn't take any pictures of our ski trip :( Here are some of my favorites from January. They will have to hold Bob and Denise over until next weekend! Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit. And if it's anything like last time Denise will be yelling out the window the whole 7 hour car ride from Cheeseland, "I'm coming Adam!"

Cuddling with his Seahorse early in January. Sadly it has suffered the same fate as the nuks, we're just not a fan right now. Hopefully it's a phase, because we used to really love the Seahorse. (About three weeks ago he decided no more nuks, and so we've put them away. If he's done so am I.)
My smiley little man:
Squealing to his puppy. Every time I go to pick him up from daycare I ask if he wants to go home and see his puppy and he usually sequels with delight! And he's wearing daddy's old PJ's: