Monday, August 31, 2009

Minnesota Fair

I hadn't been to the State Fair in nine years, so this year I was determined to go. We went on the first Saturday of the fair and it was extremely busy. Navigating the stroller through the crowds was a big challenge. We ate tons of fair food and had fun, but I don't think we'll have to go every year and I'm thinking I only want to go on week days.

Grandma with Adam:

Adam playing with his favorite cow toy:

Grandpa and Adam:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two Months Old

Adam was two moths old yesterday and today my maternity leave is officially half over. At least I still have two more months at home with my little guy. This last week has been great. Adam realized that he has a mobile on his swing, he started sitting in his bumbo chair, he also has really started to grab a hold of toys and we're working on increasing the length of tummy time.

Last week at our two month check up our doctor asked how Adam's doing. I said that he's a great baby, but that he sometimes gets fussy and cries in the evening for almost no reason. She said well he probably just a little colic. Since then I've made it my personal mission to keep Adam from crying in the evening. I've been getting him to take a long nap after lunch and then Dave has his magic daddy bounce* which gets Adam to fall asleep and take one last nap in the evening. We play with different toys and take Brockway for a walk to keep Adam from getting board. And if all that fails and Adam is still fussy I've been vacuuming with Adam in his baby Bjorn carrier. It's amazing how much babies love the noise of a vacuum he almost immediately stops crying and an extra bonus is my house is clean!
*Daddy Bounce is when Dave holds Adam in the football hold, sticks a nuk in Adam's mouth and then Dave hums the Michigan Tech Fight song while bouncing up and down and it works like a charm!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two Month Check Up

Adam had his two month check up today and I had my postpartum check up. His stats are as follows:
Weight: 11 lbs 6 oz- 45th percentile
Length: 22 1/4 inches- 26th percentile
Head Circumference- 16 3/4 inches- 97th percentile

Adam's head is big and for the moment he's a little short and stout. I think he's got a growth spurt coming, so he'll get taller.

We both had to get shots. I went first and got the tetanus shot, and then poor Adam had to get three shots in his little legs. He cried pretty hard, but by the time we got to the car he had calmed down. When I got him home I gave him some Tylenol and he feel right a sleep.

I talked to Dr. K about future births and the fourth degree tears I got with Adam. Apparently having fourth degree tears makes me eligible for a c-section. I think I'll stick with the natural birth next time, and I will probably go pain med free again too.

I'm cleared for all activities. I'm so going for a run tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Weekend of Weddings

Well we're back from our crazy travels. We left on Wednesday afternoon and drove to Milwaukee. Ann and Titus came up from Kenosha and hung out with us in the hotel. So Adam met uncle Titus for the first time.

Then on Thursday we got up at 4 am. Adam usually eats at 4 am, but then we all go back to bed. So on Thursday morning when we didn't go back to bed he was looking at me and Dave like we were crazy to be awake so early. We took the 6 am ferry across Lake Michigan. It was so nice not to have to drive through Chicago! Then we had a four hour drive across Michigan. We got to Warren (a suburb of Detroit) around 2 pm and relaxed in our hotel all afternoon. Then we all went to the rehearsal for Zack's wedding. Zack is Dave's college roommate, so Dave was a groomsman in the wedding. Adam was a terror that night. He cried through most of the rehearsal and then through most of the rehearsal dinner. All I could think is tomorrow is going to be awful.

Thankfully Adam was an easy baby on Friday for the wedding. He almost made it through the entire wedding without crying. One of the ladies at my table held Adam while I ate, because like always he was a little fussy at dinner time. Once the music started he was in a good mood though. Adam loved being on the dance floor and watching the DJ's lights. We all had a lot of fun dancing and stayed at the wedding until midnight. Then I bought a large coffee and drove two hours to Kalamazoo Michigan.
At first I thought it was strange that Zack and Lynn were getting married on a Friday, but their reason was so cool. Both of their parents were married on August 14th 33 years ago. Plus both of their mothers purchased the same dress pattern and wore the same wedding gown. And as if that wasn't crazy enough the mothers showed up at the rehearsal in the same exact dress! I think Zack and Lynn were meant for each other and now they share an anniversary with their parents.
So on Saturday we drove to Peoria IL for my friend Kathleen's wedding. We didn't end up making it to the ceremony, but we had a lot of fun at the reception. Kathleen is a sorority sister and her husband, Adam, is one of Dave's fraternity brothers, so there were a lot of friends at the wedding for Adam to meet. I think at one point Rachel almost stole him. The reception ended at 11 pm and then Dave drove us an hour to a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Sunday Adam only needed two stops so we got home at 6 pm. My mom and dad were at our house cooking dinner and brought Brockway home. It was a nice weekend, but I'm so happy to be home!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Twine Ball Days

We have been living in Hutchinson for two years, but had not yet ventured to Darwin Minnesota. It's about 20 miles north of Hutchinson and contains the World's Largest Ball of Twine- built by one person. Today we went to Darwin for the Twine Ball Day's festival. We didn't do much besides eat lunch, watch the parade and see this huge ball of twine, because it was crazy hot and humid. We'll have to go back again because we didn't make it in to the Twine Ball Museum!

Adam was the only one dressed for the hot weather:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 Month Photo's

I meant to Adam in to get new born pictures, but instead he got 1 month photos yesterday. We went up to a small studio in Dassel- Renee Professional Photography. She did such a good job and we are so happy with the results. Adam was fussy, but you can't tell in most of the pictures.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ann's Weekend

Saturday was my sister in-law Ann's birthday, shower and bachelorette party in good old Wisconsin, so we packed our tiny car full of suitcases, Adam gear, Brockway and shower stuff and headed to Cheese-land. We left Hutchinson at 3:30 on Friday and arrived in Coleman just before midnight. Nothing like a 5-6 hour drive taking 8 hours thanks to rush hour traffic in the Twin Cities and a hungry baby.

I took Adam to the shower, but in the evening when I went to the bachelorette party I left him behind with Dave and Grandpa. So it was Dave's first time taking care of Adam and my first night out. The good news is we all survived! Adam was an easy baby for Dave.

Sunday we made the long trip home in grandma and grandpa's van. We're borrowing it for a long weekend with two weddings in Michigan and Illinois. About 30 minutes into the drive we decided it's time to get a van. The trip home was so much easier!