Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Little Penguin

Happy Halloween! Adam was a cute little Penguin today. Really he only trick or treated at one house, but it's a start. We trick or treated at our neighbor's house so we could meet their 2 week old baby son, Ethan.
Adam ended up falling asleep around 7:30 and I thought he was just taking a nap, so I put him to bed in his costume. Really he was out for the night and so he wore his costume a little longer than I thought he would. It's okay though because as my husband says, the difference between Adam's clothes and pajama's is in the feet. In his day clothes he wears socks and his pj's have little feet attached, so Adam's costume had little feet attached = pj's.

Below is a picture of my pathetic puppy. She loves Halloween more than anything. Kids ringing the doorbell non-stop and so many people to sniff and lick and love. So to keep her contained from all of that we put up a gate and she just whines and whines every time a trick-or-treater comes by.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Brockway’s Ball

Adam was in his bouncer playing away and I had tossed Brockway’s ball a couple of times down the hall for her. Then I went back to carving my pumpkin. After a few minutes I looked up and noticed that Adam was holding on to something in his chair. When I got closer I realized it was Brockway’s ball. I asked Adam, “Where did you get that ball?” All he did was smile and laugh a little. So apparently my dog thinks Adam is ready to play fetch with her.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No More Tummy Time Mom

This afternoon while Adam was doing tummy I decided to break out the camera for some pictures. Right before my eyes and the clicks of my lens Adam decided that's enough and rolled onto his back. So I put him on his belly again and he rolled right over again like it was nothing.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Check Up

Well we were both wrong. Dave guessed 16 pounds, I guessed 15 lb. 2 oz and Adam only weighed 14 lb. 13 oz (he's in the 51st percentile for weight of boys). His length was 24.5 inches which is in the 36th percentile and his big old head was 17.75 inches which is in the 99th percentile. Poor Dave got the H1N1 mist. I didn't get it because the doctor figured I had the H1N1 flu last week. Adam got three shots, but they didn't seem to bother him as much this time. He cried harder for the 2 month shots and slept for 24 hours straight after the shots. This time he seems pretty darn normal, he did cry but not nearly as hard.

On our way home from the doctor we bought three pumpkins for carving and stopped at Lamplighter for some dinner. I also took another 4 month photo of Mr. Adam:

4 Months

I woke up to the sun, wohoo sunlight! I can't remember the last nice day we had. So I'm in a good mood despite the fact that I know on Friday I'm going back to work. We have had a very busy Monday today too. I took Adam to ECFE class at 1 instead of 4:30, because his 4 month check up is at 4 today (I'll post the stats later, but I'm going to guess he weighs 15lbs 2oz). Then when we got home I decide the day was too nice to stay indoors so I grabbed Brockway and we went for a walk. As soon as I left the house I noticed the clouds had rolled in and the sun was gone. Oh well it was still a nice fall day for a walk.
We set up Adam's jumper last Wednesday. He seems to like it. He hasn't figured out how to make it bounce, that the little seat rotates or how to sit up straight in it. He kind of leans forward in the seat to hold himself up. He still loves his activity mats with the toys overhead, but he's pretty much not interested in sitting in the swing, so I think it's time to pack it up.

I took his four month picture over lunch with Dave's help, but I'm not sure I like the angle:

Friday, October 23, 2009

I found my feet

Adam pulled his socks off all by himself and discovered his feet Tuesday evening. And even though I was sick with the flu I managed to get down on the floor and take some pictures of the event. So now whenever he's on the changing table he's got his feet in his hands.
Adam also rolled over again on Thursday evening, but this time it was from his back to his stomach. Dave noticed he was close to being completely over, so he called me into the living room to watch and sure enough Adam turned over. Once he was on his belly he started crying immediately, like whoops this is not what I wanted. Too funny.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Madison Weekend

Last weekend my family got together at my aunts farm house in Madison. We were celebrating all of our birthdays (Matt, Shar, Henry, Dave and I all have birthdays with in 4 weeks of each other) except our birthdays were in August/September. It took a while to find a good weekend to get the family together on. And for our birthday we all got each other sick with H1N1! Nothing is better than that.

On Saturday Matt, Shar, Mom, my Aunt Therese and I ran a 5k. It was my first race since Adam was born. My goal was to run at least 10 minute mile pace. I started with Matt and we had a pace of about 9:40, but then at the halfway point he started running faster. I tried so hard to keep up, which was a bad idea and finally I settled back into my slow pace and accepted that he was going to beat me. I finished in 30 minutes 16 seconds so slightly better than my goal (I averaged 9 minute 46 second miles).
We actually celebrated our birthdays with a feast on Saturday night. We had manicotti and lasagna for dinner and then a white chocolate raspberry cheese cake and a dark chocolate cheese cake!

My aunt made this adorable blueberry hat for Adam. He really needed a winter hat and this one is made out of wool. We were out shopping after the race and I saw a little pumpkin hat and mentioned how cute it was. My aunt said she could make a hat like it and most likely have it finished before we left. Well we ended up waiting 10 extra minutes after the car was packed for the hat, but it was worth it :)

I was sad that we didn't get to see my cousin and her family, but we would have most likely got them all sick too, so it's better that they stayed away.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Poop Explosions

Dear Poop Explosions,

I'm not looking forward to pre-treating everything Adam has worn for the last six days, so please stay in your diaper and stop exploding!


PS If you choose to explode a couple more times, I'm going to abandon the huge box of size 1-2 diapers we just purchased and move to size 3. That should hold you in!

Adam Rolled Over

I put Adam on his belly for some tummy time on Tuesday afternoon and he straightened out his right arm and rolled onto his back. I think it was an accident judging by his face and the fact that I haven't been able to get him to do it again. He can roll over onto his side from his back and he does that all the time. He's moving around so much that when he put him down he'll look like the picture above and then when I go to get him he'll look like this:

And on Saturday when I went to get him in the morning he had worked himself out of his swaddle and rotated 90 degrees in his crib and had his legs up on the wall. He probably was awake for at least 30 minutes before I went to get him, but he was content and not making hardly any noise, so I slept in a little longer than normal :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yesterday during ECFE (early childhood and family education) class Adam started making this cute squealing noise and I was able to capture it today. There is a little bit of Brockway foot and tail in the video too (she always has to be right next to me and Adam when we're playing on the floor).

Friday, October 9, 2009

Adam Talking

This is the supper cute noise Adam started making this week.

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Wednesday was our third anniversary. Dave woke up incredibly sick with a cold on Wednesday morning, so he stayed home sick and poor Adam woke up with a stuffy nose. So we decided to wait until last night to celebrate. All three of us went out to Zella’s and then after Adam went to sleep we watched our wedding video.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Twins Game

Dave has been begging to take the family to a Twin's game this year, because he wants Adam to be able to say he saw a game in the Dome. So Saturday we got the general admission-cheap seats and went to the game. We got there early, so we had pretty good seats. Adam handled the game really well. It helped a ton to have my family there to take turns with Adam.

The game was amazing. I've never seen the dome so full and electric. I think it was a sold out. I'm so glad Dave wanted to go so badly, because otherwise I would have missed an amazing experience.
Dave ended up scoring a last minute ticket to Sunday's final Twin's game in the Metrodome and then on Monday we went back (minus Adam of course) for the Viking-Packer football game. It was my first professional football game. If we win the 3M club tickets again I'm sure I won't go, instead it will be a father-son outing. And yes we're still happily married!