Monday, May 31, 2010

Trust Fall

I remember in high school having to do team building exercises. Most of the time they included the trust fall. Where your partner is behind you and you cross your arms shut your eyes, pray that the little 110 pound girl you were partnered with doesn't drop you to the ground and then lean back.
Adam has started to do a trust fall this weekend. His is a little different though. I've been sitting a few feet in front of him to try to get him to walk to me when he's standing up. And he giggles and then leans forward real hard and fast with his eyes wide open. The first time I failed to catch him and he landed in my lap (thankfully there was no crying). Every once and a while he picks one foot up as he lunges toward me. I'm not sure why I'm trying so hard to help him learn how to walk. I want him to be my little baby and walking is the last step to becoming a toddler. It's not a race, but yet Dave and I are cheering him on so loud that it really does feel like one.
The picture below really illustrates the mood Adam had all weekend. He was so happy and giggly and playful. It was a great long weekend just spending time together as a family.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

11 Months

Well one more month and my little baby will be a one year old. Look though, I got a somewhat decent 11 month picture despite the fact that he figured out how to move the glider and wanted the book in my hand more than anything.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Our Weekend

We went to Cheese-sconsin this weekend for Adam's future cousin's baby shower. I can't wait for the two little boys to be playing together. Ann had a great Safari themed shower and got lots of the stuff she will need for her little ones arrival. Adam did great during the shower, even though it meant that he skipped his afternoon nap.

He's almost walking. He can stand for a long time without holding onto anything and he's getting really good at pushing himself up to standing. I try and get him to walk forward to my hands, but he always drops to the floor first. He'll figure it out soon enough.

Adam and I had fun singing and playing in the van on the way home. We sang the Good Bye song and I finally got him to wave to me during the part of the song "wave, wave, wave goodbye, now it's time to leave". So darn cute to see him waving with both arms at once, it was worth the wait.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Elbows or Feet on the Table

I guess I need to start teaching Adam the dinner table rules.... We'll start with no feet on the table.

The Best Smile I Saw all Week

It was a ruff week for Little Man. He had a horrible ear infection and a fever of 102 for three days. I spent the better part of this week holding him. Thank goodness for our Ergo Baby carrier, otherwise I wouldn't have had my hands free to get anything else done. But thankfully his fever broke a couple hours after our second trip to urgent care and my happy smiley baby returned.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! It was great to celebrate my first mother's day hiking with my boys and Brockway. We went to Lake Maria a state park and hiked this afternoon. The baby backpack worked great!
Adam's first Mother's Day present wasn't the best. He gave me his first poop explosion in months when I got him out of his crib. Poop was everywhere in his jammies it was like he wasn't even wearing a diaper. It took two baths to clean him up! Thankfully the rest of my day went great. Adam and Dave gave me the cutest card and best day hiking.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Boys

Here are my boys so cute and matching! And it's hard to tell, but Adam was standing by himself and not holding or leaning on anything. This is his Uncle Fester look that we think he learned from Brockway. He likes to crawl around with a toy in his mouth. Last week he was working on saying Brockway and this week we think he was saying Adam- "Ah-Dah".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Look

This is the look Adam has on his face right before he starts getting into something, like pulling that paper off the side table. I'm so happy that he's so into exploring, but it's so hard to keep him out of trouble!