Thursday, September 25, 2014

Isaac Found His Feet

It became pretty evident Isaac found his feet today while playing on his mat. It was so cute to watch him move his toys with more than just his hands!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

This Week Is Brought To You By The Letter F

Every weekend Adam gets a letter of the week worksheet as homework. Next week the letter is F and Eli was really excited to do homework just like big brother tonight. So Dave gave him a piece of white paper and wrote the letter F on the top. Eli proceeded to change that F to an E and announced that he fixed it proudly. E is his favorite letter.

Adam's F worksheet on the left, Eli's F E worksheet on the right.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Baby Comparisons

Okay so my sons have their own looks: Adam, Eli and Isaac from left to right and top row is newborn, bottom is 3 month pictures. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Nickel Dickel 5k

I completed my first 5k post baby on Saturday. My girlfriend Brooke started running this summer and motivated me to sign up for the Nickel Dickel 5k in Waconia. It's probably the furthest I've ever traveled for only a 5k, but it was a big fun race and I was not ready for the 10k. 

The Friday before the race we invited over the other three girls I was running with and their families for a pasta feed. We had 7 little boys 5 and under and it was a lot of fun. I want to host dinners like that more often!

I beat my first 5k post Adam, but not post Eli with a time of 28:44. I ran 9 minute miles for the first two miles and then slowed to 9:45 for the last mile and actually had to walk with a 100 meters left due to going up a large hill. But the main thing is I finished and it felt good. I'm signed up to do the Spooky Sprint and contemplating running in the Fall Color Run again. I missed running races!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Adam's 5 Year Check Up

We finally made it to Adam's 5 year old check up- 3 months late. What was I doing three months ago that I thought I was too busy to take my child to the doctor, oh right Isaac.

His height is 3' 6.88" 39th percentile and weight 38 pounds 9.6 ounces which is 28th percentile. His BMI is also in the 28th percentile.

And that picture above- it looks like a high school graduation photo. No kid, you are going to kindergarten not leaving the nest just yet.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Newborn and 3 Month Professional Pictures

Back in the beginning of July we went to see Renee for Eli 3 year old, Adam 5 year old, newborn and family photos 

Newborn baby in a basket:

3 month old smoshed in that same basket:
I went back to Renee on Wednesday this week. I just did a mini session 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Preschool- The Eli Edition

Okay enough with the big transitions. Can everyone stop getting bigger for just a little while? That would be great!

Can you tell someone was pretty stoked to have the attention on him today for pictures? This kid, I just can't even! He stays home with me two days a week and it is just wonderful. He's such a helper! Every Friday he wakes up early and does the trash with daddy and when I cook he pulls out his play cooking gear. He's going to be my little chef.

Isaac is 3 Months Old

Isaac is three months old. He talks, squeals and coos a lot. Dave sometimes calls him our lizard boy because he likes to lick and stick out his tongue a lot. At first I thought Isaac looked just like Adam when he was a newborn, but now he's starting to look more like Eli at 3 months old with the round body and face. He looks most like Isaac though.

He sleeps most nights from 9-10 pm to 5:30 am and then nurses in our bed and sleeps until after 8 am. Every once in a while he will wake up early (like last night at 3:30) and then I'm a zombie the next day. I'm trying so hard to get Isaac on a normal nap schedule, but with two older brothers it's really hard. Our family is just on the go and Isaac needs to be able to sleep where ever and when ever, which means most days it's many 30-45 minute naps in the carseat.
His smile button is his nose. Simply get up close smile, talk to him and then tap his nose and you are sure to get big wide no teeth baby smiles!
I tried my hardest to capture a smile, I even brought in Eli and couldn't catch a smile. It's not that he wasn't smiling, it's that he really only smiles when someone else gets close and smiles at him. As soon as I put the camera to my face the smile disappears. Next month we'll have to get daddy to help!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kindergarten Success

He got on the big yellow bus and didn't even look back. And I was such a wreck. I needed a hug from my friend Denise and our daycare manager Kathy.

Adam's Godmother, Brooke stopped by and left a note for Adam written in chalk on the driveway. We woke him up and immediately told him there was a surprise outside for him and he asked, "Is it the bus?"

But he did come back to me and seeing that little face staring out the bus window in the front seat was adorable. I wanted to run on the bus and scoop him up. 

He wasn't exactly the same boy who came back to me. He was tired, crabby and starving and melted down several times that night. Since then he's been adjusting  to the schedule well. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Crabby Baby No More

I would no longer call Isaac our crabby baby. He is extremely talkative, full of coos and squeals. He does let us know what we wants and that he likes things. He's pretty darn adorable and wonderful to cuddle. It's a great time to be on bonding leave with my baby.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Third Child Confessions

The differences between the first and third child to join your family are amazing. With your first child you bath them every other day, maybe every third day if their skin is dry, but you always know when the last bath was and when the next bath day is. With the third child- if you don't manage to wrangle that baby in every other bath the big boys take you realize, darn I have no idea when I bathed my baby last. And when you admit this to your husband he responds, "well he still smells good!"