Monday, March 23, 2015

Sleeping Baby Part 3

Tonight I took Croix, Brockway, Adam and Isaac for a walk. We were 1/4 of the way around the pond when Dave and Eli stopped by on their way home from running errands. I just knew Eli would want to join us, and sure enough when we were almost completely around the pond I heard Dave and Eli coming our way. The dogs bolted to them and Dave took Croix's leash and Eli tried to take Brockway's. When Eli realized we were heading towards home he started screaming and running away from us. I tried to catch Eli and Dave went the other way. That little m
an just ran and ran! Isaac was talking to me, but then the baby in the backpack got really quiet. Just like Adam and Eli, except he wasn't wearing the Gopher hat!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pots and Pans

Isaac found something new to play with tonight, just like his brothers Eli and Adam both did at about the same age.

He's so strong he pulled most of the pans off my bottom shelf- even the 3 big ones stacked together all at once. It was so fun to watch

Monday, March 16, 2015

Isaac is 9 Months (pictures & stats)

Well there is no denying my little baby is turning into a little boy. He has so many teeth now- I think 7! He had his first ear infection and was on antibiotics. He pulls himself up on almost everything and can walk behind a walker. He talks to us and

Today we took iZ to his 9 month well baby with our fingers crossed that he was actually a well baby. His ears were rechecked and found to be clear. He also weighed 19 pounds 1.5 ounces in the 38th percentile, 27.25" which was 9th percentile and head circumference was 18" or 69th percentile. Eli and Adam were both nearly the same height and weight at 9 months! 

The big boys and Dave were playing soccer with a beach ball in the hallway and Dave asked Isaac to be on his team and Isaac found a hockey stick in the living room and crawled over to the game. He understands what we are saying and likes to be playing with the boys.

 I took Isaac's 9 month photos at two different times with two different onsies and the lighting wasn't the best for either photo shoot, but I found a couple pictures I really liked! Isaac at the 9 month sticker and then folded it in half.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Things Our Boys Can Do

The oldest boy read the entire The Cat In The Hat book all by himself.

The youngest can walk behind a push toy.
And the middle boy wrote a book about shapes at school and recognized a rhombus, I'm pretty sure I would have called it a diamond!