Monday, October 18, 2010

The Farm

I think Adam was born to be outside. Then again maybe all little boys are hard wired this way. Last weekend my family (minus my little brother Henry) were at my aunt's farm outside of Madison. She has a huge farm house and a ton of sheep and goats. When we got in the car to make our long trip there Dave asked me if I packed toys. I said yes, but I didn't think we would need them. I was right on Saturday Adam woke up and was ready to go outside.

We watched the sheep and goats. But Adam called them puppies. There were kitties to meow to and doggies to chase (we left Brockway in Minnesota though). And a much bigger yard to explore. Adam was very, very happy to spend the weekend outside.

My cousin came with her kids on Saturday afternoon. I tried to get Adam down for a nap, but no luck. Vanessa's daughter Analise is about a month younger than Adam and also was in need of a nap. So all of us women decided to go for a walk in the woods. Analise took a nap on Vanessa's back in our Ergo Baby carrier and Adam slept in his stroller. Vanessa's oldest daughter Bella had a great time on the walk and Shar captured some awesome pictures (like the one to the right).

My dad cooked great food. Jem herded sheep for us. And it was just a great time to catch up with family. Thankfully no one got H1N1 afterwards, because that was no fun last year!

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