Saturday, November 3, 2012

Big Boy Bed and Other Firsts

Thursday night we decided to convert Eli's crib into a toddler bed and after seeing how high off the ground it was we did a swap and put Adam in the converted crib and Eli into Adam's old toddler bed. The move to the big boy bed came because Eli did not like being confined to the crib in the dark when Adam would get up in the morning to go potty. He has been a crab in the morning and I don't blame him. So far getting him to sleep in his bed hasn't been an issue and in the morning he's a happy baby again!

Today Eli asked to use the potty, so I put him on it and he peed.  Go Eli! We called Adam into the bathroom and had family high fives.  And he did the same thing tonight before bed! We also had several false alarms (potty mommy, and two seconds later I have a naked boy running around not sitting on the potty with nothing in the potty).

Eli got his first real hair cut today. His hockey hair was impressive and he needed a cut. Grandma had to hold him and he needed a sucker, but after that he did pretty well- no tears.

 Big brothers a pro- "Hey Eli, look I'm getting my hair cut too!"

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