Not sure if I've even really done a pregnancy update this time around. I'm in the third trimester- 31 weeks.
At the 20 week ultra sound not only did we find out that we are having a little boy again, but that the baby only has one artery instead of two in his umbilical cord. So we got to drive to St. Cloud to get an even better look at our baby for a level 2 ultrasound. Everything checked out and he's still a boy for sure! And he's cute.
24 week picture:
25 week picture:
28 weeks:
At 28 weeks Dave and I got to go to Michigan for a weekend get away and my sister in laws shower. Our baby bumps got to meet (Shar's little boy was due 4 weeks before mine) . The weekend after this her shower Shar's water broke. Little Elliott was born a week later on April 4th, he's a preemie, with a herniated diaphragm and needed surgery, but he's doing pretty darn incredible now! My brother started a blog and it's nice to be able to get daily updates and photos since I can't be near them in Chicago.

Little Elliott has been gaining weight like a little champ and weighed 4 pounds 4 ounces recently (gaining nearly 1/3 of a pound since birth). This week I had an ultrasound to check on our little guys growth. I told the ultrasound technician at the beginning my little guy needed to be smaller than my nephew. At the end of the scan she announced our little man was estimated to weigh 4 pounds 4 ounces- exactly the same as Elliott and in the 75th percentile. No worries that a single artery is preventing growth. In fact David joked that having a single artery is the lean way to do things and therefor allowing our baby to get bigger! I guess that's why I'm gaining so much weight this time around.

We picked a date for our babies eviction- June 9th. I would have waited closer to my actual due date of June 16th, but my grandparents internment is planned for June 14th, so scheduling the surgery sooner means possibly making it there. It felt so strange to meet with my new doctor and pick a c-section date. My mind still isn't made up 100% for having a c-section, but I'm not sure I'll ever feel completely prepared for what ever decision I make.
29 week bump:
Baby bump and you are looking adorable... I love the long hair right now too!
Puskempati probably needs more and prettier graphical touches to make your blogroll. Nice that you threw the Boogaloo Whale a bone by linking.
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