Sunday, December 14, 2014

Happy Half Birthday Isaac

I can’t believe we are here already. Isaac is 6 months old and doing awesome. He started daycare a day before he turned 6 months old. Mom’s birthday present to little iZ was allowing him to co-sleep for the night. I tried to have him sleep in his crib, but he wasn’t having any of that, so nice and cozy in mom and dad’s bed.  Most nights iZ sleeps from 8 PM to 5 AM and then nurses and wakes up around 7 AM. Which is a great schedule for me know that I’m back at work.

My other gift to Isaac was pulling out and setting up the giant high chair. He looked pretty excited this morning when I strapped him in and gave him cheerios. I was even more surprised when I watched him pick up the cheerios one at a time and get them to his mouth with ease. He has two little bottom teeth now and he knows how to use them (although honestly he's only bit me once while feeding and it was more of a tiny nibble).

Isaac is rolling and pivoting and even drag/pulling himself to get what he wants. He's also working on sitting up. He likes solids and I must not be doing the best job with baby led weaning. I put food in front of him that he can pick up and put in his mouth, but when he starts squaking we help feed him. Bad mommy! 

 I absolutely love the way he communicates. I don't remember Adam or Eli being this communicative, it sounds like he's having involved conversations with who ever will listen sometimes. I really need to get it on video!

I had such a hard time choosing the pictures because so many big smiles. Adam and Eli helped out big time. They can get Isaac to smile just by looking at him. Isaac adores his big brothers. Both brothers like to hold little iZ and Adam has fed Isaac a bottle and solids! 

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