Friday, January 20, 2012

Eli's 9 Month Stats

We took Eli in for his nine month check up today.  It was the fifth time I've been to our clinic in the last two weeks.  Eli is doing awesome and hitting all of his developmental milestones.  The only surprising thing that probably shouldn't come as that big of a surprise is he's not going to be a basketball star.  He's only 27 inches in height- that's the 8th percentile.  Such a shorty.  His weight was 18 pounds 0.6 oz- 24th percentile and his head is 18 inches with is the 74th percentile.

Eli's new favorite place to play is by the railing.  He was just playing back there by himself for the longest time, so I finally walked around to the other side to snap some photos and he just kept laughing and laughing at me every time I asked him what he was doing.

Oh and yes that big green thing behind Eli is the Christmas tree.  Between everyone getting sick, Dave's long hours at work and just plain being busy we haven't put it away yet.  Don't judge the woman who had a 105 degree fever last night!

PS- Adam and I are getting healthy.  We both only had a couple of low fevers today.  Below 100 doesn't even require medication for us anymore.  I'm on antibiotics even though my second culture came back negative for strep.  Apparently my tonsil looked that awful.  As my husband said after I opened my mouth wide with a flashlight shinning in, "Thanks, I can't un-see that!"  I guess there are some things that don't need to be shared in a marriage.

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