Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Isaac is 10 Months Old

Isaac is 10 months old. On Sunday he sang with us at church which was adorable! I'm pretty sure other than crying mama his favorite word is his brother Adam's name! Today Adam came home with an adorable paper that said "I like my baby!" (with an excited mark) and a picture of a crawling baby so the feeling is clearly mutual.

This baby was sick with a fever for 4 days last week right before Easter and heading to Chicago for his cousin Elliott's 1st birthday and now again this week he just seems off. Sometimes he refuses to eat, his diapers were bad and he had two morning explosions this weekend and did a couple mini baby pukes and lately hasn't been sleeping well at night. I'm hoping he's turning a corner and sleeps well tonight because I can't handle another night like last night. It's not so much the waking, but the refusing to go back to sleep that is really frustrating. Yesterday the only time he was happy was in my arms or outside. Tonight it was wonderful so he spent most of the night on the deck watching his big brothers and neighbor Ethan play.

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