Tuesday, September 29, 2015

1st Day of Four Year Old Preschool

And then it was Eli's turn to for a first day of school, so Adam photo bombed the picture! It's what big brothers do best.

But he got two cool for his first day of school fast. Mom, are you done yet? I want to go to school and learn! 

I think he's ready to go to school two days a week to prepare for kindergarten. We are working on letters at home, because he has colors and shapes down!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sheep Says

"iZ what does a sheep say?"


"What does a cow say?"


"What does a dog say?"


"What does a goat say?"



I love that kid!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Adam is Six... and 1/4 now

I didn't want to buy our new house on Adam's sixth birthday, so we set a closing date instead of June 22nd- Adam's original due date and the date we bought our first house. Except Adam's birthday still fell on the Friday after we bought our new house, which meant we were moving. Oh well.

We decorated his door and then Grandma and grandpa came to town to help celebrate and move us. So we went with them to the driving range together and then out to the ever constant birthday mainstay of Buffalo Wild Wings Friday night on his actual birthday.

My parents came out on Saturday to celebrate and we had cake with 6 candles.
Adam really wanted to have his birthday party in our new house, so we waited until July to invite his friends over for a ninja birthday party. It was wild but fun. Next year I decided the theme will be color crayons and coloring books to have a more low key party (Adam doesn't think that's funny).

We usually hold Adam's birthday mid week since weekends most people are out of town in the summer. So we had everyone over after daycare for supper. We had "sashimi" melon chunks and Swedish fish rice krispies, turkey and ham "sushi" rolls, fresh veggies and of course Adam's favorite pizza and cupcakes.

Each boy had a ninja headband with their name on it. They also had a decorate your ninja noodle staff with decorative tape from 3M of course!

There was a bad guy piñata that needed to be defeated.
Thankfully Adam's Godparents came to help manage the crazy kids and they brought water ballons for the kids to play with. The last ninja training activity before the party was over and parents came to pick up their kids.

 It was a fun party, but I'm a little exhausted just writing about it again. Drop off parties with 7 invited boys invited plus my 3 boys is a lot. Like I said I'm pushing a coloring themed seventh birthday party. We'll see!  

1st Day of 1st Grade

Adam has been excited about going back to school practically all summer long. If I ever accidently told Adam that going to daycare was "a school day" he would enthusiastically ask, really? So when the day finally came I could tell he was ready to face West Elementary again.

Tuesday was orientation and I remember last year being stressed to put away school supplies while holding baby Isaac and being so flustered and probably nervous about Adam starting school that I couldn't really focus and understand much of what his teacher said during her presentation. So this year was going to be different we were going to go early with plenty of time to park and unpack supplies before his teacher started talking. So I was completely taken a back when I walked into Adam's classroom 10 minutes early to then end of his teachers presentation. I thought his orientation started at 11:30, but it started at 11. It was okay but I still feel like I'm missing information from that presentation that I didn't get to watch. I just assumed I would find a packet in his folders with all the information printed so I could read it later. Maybe I'll get his teacher to email the presentation to me?
Back to Adam's first day of school. He said it went great. Only kindergartners are young enough to need snack, kindergartners also wear a different color bus pass on their way home and today I caught him trying to leave his bus tag that he's supposed to wear around his neck at home. I guess 1st graders are too cool to wear bus numbers, "because, ma-ahm I know which bus to ride!" But the real question is when will he be too cool to hold up his grade and smile for pictures? I hope not any time soon.