Friday, January 8, 2016

Brothers On the Same Line

This year we decided to put Eli in hockey. Two mites isn't really much more work than having one so we went for it. I've enjoyed having two little guys to watch develop on the ice at practice. They split the mites into 5 or 6 groups for each practice and typically they are in separate groups, but at Sunday's game night (Mite Scrimmage) Adam and Eli were put on the same team and line. It was a wonderful surprise! It was so much fun to hear Eli cheering for Adam to get the puck from a corner and how happy they were when their brother scored! Only bad thing is I forgot my good camera- but those are my brothers playing hockey- #26 and #27 (which just so happens to be their birthdays- Isaac should have been born on the 28th instead of the 9th).

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