Thursday, February 18, 2016

Morning Boys

I am a morning person. I love the promise of brand new day filled with endless possibilities and I love getting a bright and early start on the day. No joke, I'm crabby if I sleep in much past 7:30. Eli is right there with me waking up and popping out of bed ready for the day. Usually his quilt is in his hands and he's asking us if "it's a stay at home day" or "show and tell" at preschool (his two favorite kinds of days), Adam is more of a mosey out of his room, lay on the couch and wait for the rest of the family to rise before he even makes a peep. Dave is the same way- I joke that he wakes up just to fall back a sleep on the couch most weekend days. And well for Isaac it's too early to tell. He won't get out of his crib without gathering his "na-na" (nuke) and two muslin blankets though. But this picture is morning perfection of smiley boys ready to take on whatever the day brings!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Two more monkeys and got sisu...what could be better?