Saturday, December 13, 2008

We're Expecting 12w5d

Yay, I'm pregnant and due in June. We had our first ultrasound December 3rd to figure out exactly how far along I am. I was so happy to hear that I was 11 weeks and almost done with my first trimester. I actually cried when I saw the little peanut on the screen moving around. We've been through so much and I just want this pregnancy to make us parents.

We started telling our coworkers and friends this week, because I didn't want them to figure it out on their own (I had to start wearing my bella band with my pants unbuttoned this week). Last night I actually stayed up until midnight playing wii with Dave, Andy and Brooke, could this mean I finally have more energy? As far as the pregnancy symptoms go I guess I'm lucky, I never had the pukey "morning sickness". Instead I always feel icky after eating dinner. And the only thing I ever want to do in the evenings is lay on the couch and watch TV. Hopefully things will get better as I transition into the second trimester. Wow, second trimester is almost here!

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