Adam had his two month check up today and I had my postpartum check up. His stats are as follows:
Weight: 11 lbs 6 oz- 45
th percentile
Length: 22 1/4 inches- 26
th percentile
Head Circumference- 16 3/4 inches- 97
th percentile
Adam's head is big and for the moment he's a little short and stout. I think he's got a growth spurt coming, so he'll get taller.
We both had to get shots. I went first and got the tetanus shot, and then poor Adam had to get three shots in his little legs. He cried pretty hard, but by the time we got to the car he had calmed down. When I got him home I gave him some Tylenol and he feel right a sleep.
I talked to Dr. K about future births and the fourth degree tears I got with Adam. Apparently having fourth degree tears makes me eligible for a c-section. I think I'll stick with the natural birth next time, and I will probably go pain med free again too.
I'm cleared for all activities. I'm so going for a run tomorrow!