Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two Months Old

Adam was two moths old yesterday and today my maternity leave is officially half over. At least I still have two more months at home with my little guy. This last week has been great. Adam realized that he has a mobile on his swing, he started sitting in his bumbo chair, he also has really started to grab a hold of toys and we're working on increasing the length of tummy time.

Last week at our two month check up our doctor asked how Adam's doing. I said that he's a great baby, but that he sometimes gets fussy and cries in the evening for almost no reason. She said well he probably just a little colic. Since then I've made it my personal mission to keep Adam from crying in the evening. I've been getting him to take a long nap after lunch and then Dave has his magic daddy bounce* which gets Adam to fall asleep and take one last nap in the evening. We play with different toys and take Brockway for a walk to keep Adam from getting board. And if all that fails and Adam is still fussy I've been vacuuming with Adam in his baby Bjorn carrier. It's amazing how much babies love the noise of a vacuum he almost immediately stops crying and an extra bonus is my house is clean!
*Daddy Bounce is when Dave holds Adam in the football hold, sticks a nuk in Adam's mouth and then Dave hums the Michigan Tech Fight song while bouncing up and down and it works like a charm!

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