Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seriosly What

Today was server downtime at 11:30. Pre-Adam I would have gone to lunch during this time, but I've been brown bagging my lunch and working while eating. So what was an engineer to do without her computer for an hour? Go visit my little munchkin at daycare. It was perfect timing, he had just woken up from a nap and hadn't eaten yet. I also got to meet most of his teachers, which was really nice. While I was there I found out that one of the other babies in the infant room has started using the toilet at home. Are you kidding me, the four month old is peeing and pooping on a toilet!?!?! I said her mom needs to write a book so I can follow her technique, but really I'd rather focus on getting Adam to sleep through the night again (which a five month old should be capable of).

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