Watch out- this is a proud mommy moment! When I went to pick Adam up from school today Rachel, his teacher, said she had to show me something. She said Adam had discovered something in a book all on his own. So she opened the book to a page with the cutest black and white springer spaniel puppies on it. Apparently Adam saw that page and laughed and then said "Brah-buh". It's officially my little boy said his first word and it's our dogs name Brockway! A couple months ago I thought he was responding to her name and now he's saying it. So of course we tried our hardest to coax a couple of Brockway's out of him tonight with the video camera. It was pretty close to his bedtime though, so we got him to say it a few times. Enjoy:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
10 Months
When you're ten months old you are way to cool to sit in a chair for mom to take a picture.

I thought his orange nose had disappeared, but it still appears when I use the flash on the camera. Baby food is full of way too much beta carotene and made his nose turned orange.
I thought his orange nose had disappeared, but it still appears when I use the flash on the camera. Baby food is full of way too much beta carotene and made his nose turned orange.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Walking, Talking and Climbing
My child realized he could climb up the stairs today. This little revelation has left me doing a frantic online search for a permanent baby gate for the basement. When did he get so big? Didn't he just learn to crawl a month ago? Now he's cruising along the furniture and walking behind his little walker (it's so funny he just stands up behind it and starts walking away like there's
somewhere he has to be). And we're almost positive he's saying Brockway. He says "Buh-Bah" when we call her or talk about her. Tomorrow he'll be 10 months old- the big 1-0!

somewhere he has to be). And we're almost positive he's saying Brockway. He says "Buh-Bah" when we call her or talk about her. Tomorrow he'll be 10 months old- the big 1-0!
Friday, April 16, 2010
My Engi-nerd is Showing
So far we have tried Cutey Baby All in Ones, Bum Genius 3.0 pocket diaper, and a bummis cover with a bum genius insert. I'll wait to rate them until we've had more experience with each diaper. I'm also using a flushable liner so that when he does poopy all I have to do is take the liner out and flush it down the toilet. I might get sick of laundry every other day, but I can still use disposables whenever I want! 
We had a great weekend with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Titus and Aunt Annie. Adam traveled really well- almost too well. On Friday we stopped in Eden Prairie and had a picnic at the park by our old apartment. Our first family picnic and I didn't even take a picture. It was nice to get a long break, and we didn't hit any Twin City rush hour traffic. On Sunday we got home in six hours and we only stopped once! I can't remember the last time we only stopped once during a six hour drive. I actually think it felt longer because we didn't have multiple stops.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Look What I Found
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter
Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny decided to "hide" Adam's Easter Basket in the middle of the living room. His first Easter Basket held a couple of board books, mega blocks, some socks and freeze dried fruit (no candy for my baby yet). We probably should have fed him breakfast before we made him hunt for his basket. He cried when we first put him on the floor, but with a little coxing he crawled over to look at his goodies.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
We spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon outside in the new Twins ball park watching a pre- season game. We sat in the awesome 3M club seats and got to watch the home team win. The stadium is way better than I thought it could be. It's sad to say that I've only ever watched baseball from the Dome and I didn't realize how awful it was. By the way I absolutely love our Ergo Baby Carrier (picture above). I didn't realize how much I missed my hands when carrying Adam around.
Grandma was hoping for bad weather so she would get to watch Adam, but we were thrilled to have such a perfect spring day to watch the game.
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