Thursday, July 8, 2010

Little Peanut

He's still my Little Man. The stats are in from Adam's 1 year check up. He's 20 lbs 6 oz in the 15th percentile. Length 29 1/4" in the 34th percentile and his head is 19" which is the 93rd percentile.

We went to the doctor at 3:50 today. We were called from the waiting room really fast, which is not normal. We really like our doctor, but she's always running late. The nurse took Adam's weight and height and then left us in the exam room to wait for our doctor. I forgot to grab toys for Adam and he was not in a patient mood. Dave and I took turns trying to entertain him, but inevitably he started to fuss because he was board and wanted to play with the medical equipment. In a moment of enginerdiness Dave made an airplane out of a paper in my purse and we made swooshing noises as we flew it around the tiny room. Adam loved it and soon he was chasing after the plane and making his own noises. Just when we got him relaxed our doctor came in, about 40 minutes after our appointment was supposed to start. I really do like our doctor!

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