Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Don't Call Adam Late for Dinner
Dinner time is getting harder around our house. No matter how early we have it ready Adam seems to be hungry five minutes before we're done. He hangs around my legs and whines, a lot. Sunday was no exception. I pulled the tater tots out of the oven and put them on the table. Dave brought the burgers in and put them on the table too. I snuck Adam a tater tot hoping to buy a minute or two without whining and then went to get the broccoli off the stove. When I turned around Adam was sitting on a chair trying to reach the burgers and tater tots. I asked him how he got up in the chair and he said, "Dada dada dada." Dave said he didn't put him on the chair, so I guess he can get in a big chair now.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Apples and Fish
The theme of Saturday was apples and fish. Grandma and Grandpa were visiting from Wisconsin so we went to the apple orchard for lunch. They had a pianist playing live and Adam was mesmerised watching him play. Then we road the hay ride to the apple trees to pick some Honeycrisps. We love Honeycrisp apples! Adam ran around the trees saying "apple" and we even let him eat a little one all by himself. He did great with his chompers.

Then Dave drove us all to the Mall of America while we napped. We met up with my parents and Henry to go to Under Water World. I've never been before, but I figured it would be something Adam would love. The look on his face when we walked into the tube was priceless. He was in complete awe of all the fish everywhere!
Looking at all those fish made us hungry. We ate dinner at Bubba Gumps. It really hit the spot. We ordered Adam's food first, so he was pretty much done eating when our food arrived. Thankfully the orange wedge and blue jello kept him busy while we ate. Not so fortunately for my Twins shirt though. When I picked him up he got blue jello all over my shirt! Oh well it was still a great Saturday!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Favorite Picture
This is one of my favorite shots of Adam. He moves so much that he's really hard to capture, so when I get a good one I get excited and want to share.
Are you ready for some football?
I know we didn't have any kids going back to school this week, but man did we have a busy week. Tuesday night we hosted a Fantasy Football draft at our house (it's my first time playing ever). Then on Wednesday we met grandma and grandpa at Davani's and then handed over Adam and our minivan. We went to the Twin's game for Dave's birthday. Thursday we went to a friends house to watch the Viking's game and at 9:30 I had my first volleyball game. We were beat by Friday, but so thankful to have a night at home without plans. We spent the better part of Saturday taking a pediatric First Aid and CPR course (grandma and grandpa came out to take care of Adam again- huge thanks). Then today we ran as a family in a 5k race and then went to Andy and Brooke's for dinner. Wow, I'm looking forward to Monday-Wednesday without any plans this week.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Camping and Canoeing
We all survived our first family camping and canoeing trip over Labor Day weekend. We slept in a tent our brand new Taj Mahal tent that Dave got for his Birthday (Happy 1st 29th Birthday Honey). It was a little cooler than I had imagined our first camping trip would be 40-50 at night.

We went canoeing on both Saturday and Sunday. My dad had shoulder surgery around Memorial Day and he doesn't have clearance to paddle yet, so he sat with Adam in the middle of our canoe with Adam. I was so worried about how Adam would handle the canoe, that I didn't even think about our other kid- Brockway. She was a wreck. She couldn't decided if she wanted to be in our canoe or my mom's so she spent most of the time whining and then swimming back and forth between our canoe's.
Below is the picture of Sunday's crew. On Saturday my Uncle George's family was with us, so we had 5 more with us.
Adam learned to say Boat. He would say "Boooh" and then point at the canoe's. I packed up a bag full of toys that Adam didn't play with. Instead he dug in the dirt, followed the three springers around and ran away from us toward the woods. He is all boy and loves to be outside. Apparently he begged his teacher, Rachel, to take him outside all day today. 
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