All weekend we had a house and yard full of visitors. My mother and father in law slept in the basement on an air mattress, my sister in law and her family slept in the guest bedroom and my parents tented in the backyard. Saturday we went to family day at the plant where we were able to tour the whole family through the plant. Then we finally baptized Eli at mass on Saturday evening. Better late than never, right? Uncle Titus and my cousin Maggie were the God parents.
After mass we had a little cook out in our backyard.

Sunday was relaxing and nice to spend more time together. We went for a long walk to the park down by the river. Picked up take out pulled pork from a new restaurant here in town and then sat by the kiddy pool while the boys swam. My grandfather was admitted into the ICU Sunday because of an infection so I spent Sunday evening with the majority of my mom's family gathered in the waiting room. Thankfully he's making a recovery!
Tuesday was Mr. Adam's third birthday and this year was the first time I didn't spend Adam's actual birthday with him. (his 1st and 2nd birthdays fell on Saturday and Sunday respectively). So despite having to send him to daycare and go to work Dave and I wanted to make the day extra special. Decorations with three balloons for the the three year old.
Pumpkin pancakes with three candles- that the birthday boy requested:
I asked Adam if he wanted to bring cupcakes or gogurt into school for a treat for all his friends and he choose gogurt. Dad worked most of the night before so he was all about leaving work early to surprise the Birthday boy. He picked him and took him to the driving "ranch" (range).
Then when they were done golfing they went to buffalo wild wings to have a pop. I picked up Eli and found my boys sitting at a high top table in the bar enjoying their soda. We ate dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and when the waitress asked if we wanted chocolate cake Adam answered Yes! All four of us shared the cake and couldn't even finish it. Happy Birthday Adam- I hope you enjoyed your "Special Day"!