Saturday, September 28, 2013

4 Year Old Check Up

Adam turned four in June, but I forgot to schedule his check up until July. So August 16th we took our little man to the clinic to meet with Doctor Erin. His weight was 34 pounds 8 ounces which is in the 34 percentile and his height was 40.5 inches which was in the 44th percentile. He's finally catching up to his friends in the height department compared to last year. Adam's ability to reason and communicate is amazing.

At four years old Adam is old enough to start sport activities this fall. I asked him if he wanted to do basketball, gymnastics or ice skating. Adam looked at me and said, "you mean hockey." So it's no question to me what his favorite sport is and which activity he will be enrolling in.

Yesterday Dave took him to his kindergarten screening and he passed all the tests and is ready for kindergarten. I met up with Dave and Adam at Taco Bell. Dave and I were involved in a conversation and Adam had been people watching. The next thing I knew Adam climbed up in my lap and whispered, "mom, I have something to tell you." So I said what and Adam responded, "There isn't any chocolate milk here, so I had to get white milk."

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