Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Excitement in the Schwedskala Household

This week someone started 4 year old preschool. When did my baby become 4 and ready for twice a week preschool?

 And someone else started potty training after taking the summer off. Dave and I had a conversation about how we haven't been supportive enough of Eli's potty training, so Tuesday morning I got him up and put him right on the potty and he peed a lot. I encouraged his toddler room teachers to take him to the potty when the other toddlers go and he went several times at school that day. He woke up with a dry diaper this morning and this evening proclaimed- "I have to poop!" So I threw him on the potty and pulled out the poop toys (that haven't been played with since Adam was potty training) and man did he take care of his business! Yay, Eli! Even Adam sung Eli's praises (as well as helped him play with the poop toys).
Eli has a potty chart full of stickers at school and as soon as that green cast comes off we will be trying big boy undies. Mom is ready to be done with diapers (4 years and 3 months of constant diapering sometimes two boys is enough).

1 comment:

enTHRALLed said...

glad you got your blogging back on after our run/rollerblade walk.