Sunday, February 23, 2014

Instagram Lately

We've been shopping and thinking about bunk beds for the boys for about as long as we've known I was pregnant. Last weekend we finally picked up our purchase and put together the new beds for the boys. So far things are going really well in the beds at night and we've only had to remove the ladder once for inappropriate behavior on the top bunk.

My nearly 20 week bump:
23 week bump post work out. A little sad that I can't run anymore, but the elliptical, walking and biking still feel okay. That bump is just too big!
And Happy Valentines Day- Adam and Eli's breakfast and school valentine project:

A walk on Wednesday this week, a rare day where the weather was above freezing. It only took us 40 minutes to walk a quarter mile.
Adam actually insisted we go on a walk because the sunset was so beautiful. 

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