Monday, March 31, 2014

Adam Likes to Play FLG

Last weekend Adam was spelling out words on the fridge and he put together the letters "FLG" and announced that he spelled golf as he pointed to the letters right to left. I explained to Adam that we spell words starting with the left and go right. As he flipped the letters around he sounded out the word and realized there was the vowel "O" he was missing. His first word that he spelled all on his own.

This weekend we spent out doors actually playing golf along with all other outside sports. The outside toy box is accessible because the snow has melted and it was our first 2014 day above 60 F! Something to celebrate for sure.

I realized one of the great things about having a bunch of boys is they will always have someone to play sports with. Although when Adam wants to play guy-guys and says no to playing hockey with Eli I will stop being the photographer bench warmer and join in.

1 comment:

enTHRALLed said...

That's my godson!! (And genius student!!).