Sunday, May 10, 2015

Isaac is 11 Months- Or Everything Is a Walker to iZ

Isaac is 11 months old. The last big month, one sticker left on my sheet, time to start planning a birthday party!
This month is best remembered as the month that Isaac uses everything as a walker. He pushes around a bouncy chair at daycare, at home he'll use the Little People Garage, a chair or stool, the big green tractor or fire truck and of course the real walker to stand up and push to get around. One night this week I caught him pushing the walker to the coffee table and than take two completely unassisted steps to the table. Crawling is still his main mode of transportation, but I know walking is not long away. Today he was basically pushing himself up to standing from the ground so I know he has the strength to walk.

He likes to blow kisses and wave goodbye, you know the cute stuff. Yesterday at church he really started clapping! When one of his brothers leave the upstairs gate open iZ usually notices and crawls toward it as we sing, "somebody left the gate open!" (from the city bank commercial) and usually he sings along with us! And then there is his obsession with Balls. "Ball, ball, ball!" you hear him cheer as he crawls after his ball. He is so into balls I've decided it's the theme of his first birthday (and with three sons I decided it's slightly punny!)

But he's still my baby and this getting up at 5:45 present that he's been giving me Mother's Day weekend is exhausting. It's not every night that he sleeps through the night, but it's becoming more normal.

Isaac has so many teeth I've lost count (and there's no way I'm putting my fingers in there). He's pretty much on normal food and done with baby purees. We've started introducing the sippy cup and I think he's got that down. Breastfeeding is going strong when we are together: morning, after daycare pick up and before bed on the week days and 5 times on the weekends (adding in at least two pre-nap feeding sessions). At daycare he gets a couple formula bottles because mommy is so over pumping!

Several people have told me Isaac looks like he's starting to loose the baby chub and thin out. I'm not ready to give up my baby but the communicating and personality that is budding will be worth it!

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