Saturday, June 6, 2015

Biking with No Training Wheels

Adam biked for the first time today. I remember going to a grassy hill and my dad holding onto my seat when I was about 5 years old. Don't you dare let go I hollered and of course he let go, they always let go and then you have it and you are biking. Well today there was none of that. He just got on the bike pushed off and started peddling.

We took the training wheels off the bikes a few weeks ago and Dave tried the holding onto the seat thing, but neither boy was really getting it after a couple attempts. So I decided to get the strider bike down and somehow Adam latched onto training with it. He was getting really good at coasting down hills with his feet up and balancing. So I shouldn't be surprised that after putting him on Eli's little bike he just took off biking. We are all so proud and he is too. His goal was to learn how to bike this summer:
You Tube Video of Adam Biking

1 comment:

Dave said...

It is not summer yet.