Last week was not the greatest at the
Schwedskala house. It all started two Friday's ago with Little Man not wanting to eat in the morning. After a little coaxing I finally got him to eat, but then while Dave was changing him he had an explosion of puke everywhere. We decided he must be sick, although he had no fever. So Dave stayed home in the morning and I went home at noon. Adam took a couple of long naps, but by noon his hunger was back and he seemed
ok. Fast forward to Sunday night, and I was up puking. I spent two days at home and was starting to feel a little better when Dave got the stomach flu on Tuesday night. He was home Wednesday and on Thursday morning Adam woke up with a fever. Dave was still getting over the flu on Thursday so he stayed home with Adam. Thankfully my Dad was able to come watch Adam on Friday, because Dave and I had already missed two and half days in less than a week so we both had to go back to work. Silly daycare won't take him back until he's been fever free for 24 hours. This was his first unexplained fever, which isn't bad for having two months at daycare.
We did take Adam to see the pediatrician on Thursday, but she didn't see anything wrong with him. It was either teething (although a tooth never emerged) or a virus. Either way he is better. I also had her look at his dry skin rash and she thought it looked
ok, so that makes me feel better.
So we are all healthy now. This weekend my parents came out for dinner on Saturday night, and ended up staying through Sunday. Dave and I went on a date on Saturday night! It's nice to get out of the house without two trips to the car of baby gear. And on Sunday Adam and I went skiing with my parents. I strapped Adam to my back and we only did one short loop, but man am I sore. I didn't take any pictures of our ski trip :( Here are some of my favorites from January. They will have to hold Bob and Denise over until next weekend! Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit. And if it's anything like last time Denise will be yelling out the window the whole 7 hour car ride from
Cheeseland, "I'm coming Adam!"
Cuddling with his Seahorse early in January. Sadly it has suffered the same fate as the
nuks, we're just not a fan right now. Hopefully it's a phase, because we used to really love the Seahorse. (About three weeks ago he decided no more
nuks, and so we've put them away. If he's done so am I.)

My smiley little man:

Squealing to his puppy. Every time I go to pick him up from daycare I ask if he wants to go home and see his puppy and he usually sequels with delight! And he's wearing daddy's old PJ's: