Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Sorry Adam

I am reading the book "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" by Dr. Richard Ferber and it is a great book. Dave and I had been trying for a couple of weeks to improve Adam's sleep and unfortunately things were just getting worse and worse. We could get him down without crying but he would wake up around midnight and 4 AM and it would be such a struggle to get him back to sleep. So I borrowed the Ferber book from the ECFE library last Monday and things have been so much better. This book is fantastic! It explains the science of sleep so well and the things Dr. Ferber suggest work! So I am sorry Adam, I am putting you down awake and letting you "cry it out". I will no longer do everything in my power to have you fall asleep without a fuss, because I will pay for it dearly later in the night. You are slowly figuring out how to fall asleep alone and you haven't woken up in the middle of the night for a week. I LOVE sleep and getting a full night of it is the best!
Peek-a-boo. I see you!

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