Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend in Kenosha

We flew to Milwaukee last weekend to visit Aunt Ann and Uncle Titus. I was so worried that Adam would have a horrible time on the plane because of his ears, well that and I was having nightmares about trying to handle two carry-ons a car seat and an infant between four hands. Thankfully it went really well.

We had a great weekend in Kenosha. Adam got to talk to his cousin through Aunt Annie's belly.

We all went on a Jelly Belly tour. I thought it was going to be a factory tour, but it turns out that it was just a warehouse tour- not as much fun. But we did get lots and lots of Jelly Beans.
Learn about basketball from coach/uncle Titus. They focused on dribbling or patting the ball. Adam practices dribbling at daycare all the time now!

And we went to the Kenosha Public Museum. That was lots of fun. They had a huge woolly mammoth and many stuffed exotic animals. There was tons to look at and the museum was completely free!

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