Friday, April 16, 2010

My Engi-nerd is Showing

Last weekend we went to visit Dave's parent's in Cheese-sconsin. Dave has approved my purchase request to spend some of our tax refund on hippy-crunchy-reusable cloth diapers. After receiving my first shipment of cloth diapers I decided to do a full evaluation. (Easter weekend we had a successful feasibility study with three Cutey Baby diapers I bought at Costco) We learned that we do have to change Adam every two hours to prevent leaks, but really I probably shouldn't be letting him sit in a wet diaper any longer than that. Eval 1 was extremely successful and eval two will commence tomorrow morning. If this weekend is as successful as last we may approve them for daycare use and forgo the third eval.

So far we have tried Cutey Baby All in Ones, Bum Genius 3.0 pocket diaper, and a bummis cover with a bum genius insert. I'll wait to rate them until we've had more experience with each diaper. I'm also using a flushable liner so that when he does poopy all I have to do is take the liner out and flush it down the toilet. I might get sick of laundry every other day, but I can still use disposables whenever I want!
We had a great weekend with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Titus and Aunt Annie. Adam traveled really well- almost too well. On Friday we stopped in Eden Prairie and had a picnic at the park by our old apartment. Our first family picnic and I didn't even take a picture. It was nice to get a long break, and we didn't hit any Twin City rush hour traffic. On Sunday we got home in six hours and we only stopped once! I can't remember the last time we only stopped once during a six hour drive. I actually think it felt longer because we didn't have multiple stops.


MattPuskala said...

Statistical analysis shows that the sample size used may not be providing enough data points to give the confidence interval necessary to ensure you are properly protected from poopies. Additional studies are necessary to corroborate your findings.

On a more serious note, are you sure you should be allowing strange bearded hobos so close to Adam? Who is that guy?

Schwedskala said...

You are right, we probably should include another subject in our study- do you think you could supply us with one?

MattPuskala said...

A baby or a poopies?